Chapter 67:Gu Chih-cheng is born!

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Before Gu Li-juan gave birth she come back to the Ling country secretly,

She choose a furthes from the capital and most peaceful province;the province Si shi liu.

She bought a huge land and build a huge courtyard,buy a lot of servants and start living peacefully.

She didnt go out until her tenth months of pregnancy,the spring just enter and the weather was peaceful when she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Gu Li-juan look at the small potato and smile,

"Mother's little treasure!"

Then she fell asleep.

"The young master has loud cry!he will surely grow up strong and healthy!"

The whole residence celebrated for the birth of their young master!

The servants confine Gu Lj-juan inside the toom for a month.

She is focus on her son,even she was the one who is personally breastfeeding him.

She badly wanted to share her joy but she cant give away her location!

If she can she would like to hide forever but,if her son ever find out about his real identity,if he want to live as a prince she wont stop him.

She will support whatever her son want.

Liu Chen was looking intently at the candle and incense in his table

"You say that this come from Bei country?"

"Yes your majesty!and we also found out that the empress was been there?"

Liu Chen sigh

"Been there you say?"

The shadow guard nodded

"She left 6 months ago"

Liu Chen Chuckle,really left the country!

"Start searching to another neighboring country!"

The shadow guard bow and left as well,Liu Chen took his blue jade pendant and murmur

"Wife its more than a year now!go back home!".

But even if Gu Li-juan hear it she will just snort and still choose to run away from him!

The servants prepare a lot of gifts for their master 100 days birth celebration.

Because their master is 'orphan' so there is no one from her family will come!

They really pity their young,beautiful and kind master!

So they will serve her with all their heart!

Gu Li-juan laugh at her servants when she saw how they prepare her son's 100 day birth celebration!

She was really touched so she reward them all!.

Her little treasure grew up healthy,round and white!

Gu Li-juan felt that her son looks like Feng Fu Chen every passing time!

She sigh,and hope that they wont bump to a person who knows the emperor!or else it will be a huge problem.

Her little treasure's 1st birthday came!so she cook a lot and throw a huge party inside their house!

The servans again prepare a lot of gifts for him.

The days pass peacefully and Gu Li-juan liked it!although she cannot go out and show her self in public but the huge land she bought is enough so she can have a lot of things to do!

She plant a lot of flowers and made aromatic oils!

She is not the one who is directly selling it but she is using medium so she wont be find out.

Then she sell fruit wines but there is still medium.

Liu Chen tasted the fruit wine and ask

"Tell me which country this come from?"

"Nan country your majesty"

Liu Chen laugh,

"My wife is really amazing right?"

Its been two years since she left!they can find clues but each time she already left!

Then again they will find some but already late!

"Leave a spy in each neighboring country"

Then he drank the remaining wine again,its sweet but what he felt is bitterness!

He really cant wait to find her!.

But he dont know that its not only him who was hoping to find her sooner!

His retainers already visit a lot of temple to beg,beg to find Gu Li-juan!

Each months pass,Liu Chen becoming more and more evil!

He is always carrying this murderous aura around him.

And they felt that he can freeze anything even in the middle of summer!

Except for the Gu family everyone is afraid of him!

But they are still hoping that they can sent their daughters in his harem!

But it will only make him more agitated,the worst part is he will become more angry if the Gu agreed to the proposal about filling his harem!.

After 3 years Liu Chen call his shadow guard

"Call back the spy you sent in the neighboring country!"

His guards was confused so he add

"We have been played!ha!she only visit the Bei country and didnt go out anymore!all this years she is here inside the country!"

The guard was startled then nod,he believe in his master.

When the guard left he took his jade again while laughing

"You really are clever!you know that in my state i wont find any thing amiss!now that i am calm what is your plan?"

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