Chapter 53:the boat and port

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The Gu only stayed for 2 days,they have to return back to the capital,the Gu men dump their works without a care but now they have to hurry!

After warm goodbyes they departed.

Gu Li-juan sigh while looking at the empty courtyard.

"Wife we will have to go later as well!everything is done here!"

Feng Fu Chen inform her


He laugh and softly remind her

"Because you are fully occupied in this province so naturally you wont noticed it!"

Gu Li-juan nod when she remember how busy she was in this province

"Sorry husband!i didnt help although you are already busy you still helped us!"

He rub her hair gently then tease her

"Then next stop i wont do anything yeah?"

Gu Li-juan just think for a second the nod

"Okay!i will handle it!"

Feng Fu Chen laugh while pulling her to hug

"Should i remind you that i am your husband?"

Gu Li-juan was confused but still tell him the truth

"Never did i forget that you are my husband!"

He chuckle and snuggle in her neck

"Its good if thats the case then let me remind you as well that as a husband it is my duty to protect my wife and make sure that she is well fed,properly clothed and make her as happy as she can be!"

Gu Li-juan was touched but discontent

"But i still want to help you!i am your wife and i want to be your support as well!"

"Okay then you help me,but i wont give you all the work!"

Then they travel back to her farm.

When they arrive its already late so they rest first.

Then Feng Fu Chen left very early leaving Gu Li-juan alone,

When she get up she inquire about her husband first.

"Madam the master left and ask this servant to tell you that do not worry,he ate breakfast he will not forget to eat lunch as well!"

Gu Li-juan smile and nod then eat by herself.

After breakfast with her 4 maidservants they walk and check around.

"Madam our chickens and eggs multiply greatly so we build a larger pen for them,the cow is also become triple now so we are producing a lot of milk now and so the sheep!"

Gu Li-juan nod

"I will all teach you to make something different later"

The servant nod and leave,

Gu Li-juan wanted to teach them how to make yogurt,she know the people will surely like it,she wanted to add this drink in the cake shops they have.

But she thinks that fruit flavored yogurt will be liked by girls!

But she still needs practice,it was her grandmother who only love it in their family so she is the only one who liked making it,although Gu Li-juan know how to make it but in modern era there was a machine!

She sigh again and go to the kitchen with her 4 tails.

When Feng Fu Chen come back it was already dark but Gu Li-juan was still not yet back to their house so he frown and go out to find her.

Gu Li-juan is now trying her 4th atempt in making the yogurt,she keeps on failing with unknown reasons so that is why it awoken her determination to make it!

While thinking hard she suddenly remember!

It will take a lot of time before its ready!

Yeah!she remember that her grandma will leave it overnight!

After remembering this she finally relaxed and was about to sit when she was picked up.

Gu Li-juan was startled but relaxed when she smell Feng Fu Chen's smell

"What's wrong?"

Feng Fu Chen didnt reply but just carry her with darken expression.

Then he gently put her down when they return their room,

Gu Li-juan was still baffled and ask again

"What happen?"

Feng Fu Chen sigh seeing her clueless face

"Its already very late now!didnt you noticed?and your maids said they called you for how many times but you just ignore them!you missed lunch and now you will take late dinner"

Gu Li-juan finally understand why he look so mad

"I was too busy!didnt noticed it!sorry husband!"

Feng Fu Chen sigh heavily

"What can i do to you?"

Gu Li-juan snuggle in his chest and apologize again

"No next time!i swear!please dont be angry anymore?sorry?"

"If you do this again next time see how i will punish you!"

Gu Li-juan finally smile when he softened down,and kiss him

"Promise!no more next time!"

Feng Fu Chen kiss her gently and ask the servants to bring in the supper.

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