Leads On First Borns Chapter 109

Start from the beginning

Yep. What's for dinner -Tali

Why don't we go have a look -Rory says putting the parcel in a draw in the desk then she goes over to Tali picks her up then they walk off to the kitchen with Natasha following behind them



Rory, Natasha and Tali are sat around the table and both are talking an eating dinner

Will I ever be as good as you at fighting Mama -Tali

One day you will be -Rory

Maybe even better -Natasha

Rory playfully glares at Natasha

By the time am done with you honey your be able to kick Aunt Tasha's ass blind folded -Rory

Really -Tali

Natasha sends Rory a look but Rory refuses to look at her and keeps her attention on Tali

Yep but it will take time an effect -Rory

I am working hard -Tali

And you are really improving -Rory

Is there anything that can help me along -Tali

Rory pauses in thought

Well when me and your aunts trained we learned Ballet -Rory

Ballet -Tali says confused

It's a form of dance -Natasha

Can I learn -Tali

Sure you can -Rory

We can teach you -Natasha

Tali lights up at the thought


The Office

After Dinner Natasha takes Tali to begin teaching her Ballet

Rory went to the office to have a look at the Parcel. Rory is sat down on the sofa in the office with the Parcel in hand which she opens

Once it was open Rory pulls out a photo that's in the Parcel

She's confused at first the photo is of a young lady with red curly hair and Dark green eyes

Then it hits her

This is Karli

Her daughter

Her baby

Her first born

Rory tears up and she begins to read through everything else

It had everything

Where Karli went to school

Where she lives and the list goes on

Rory is close to crying when Tali enters the room rubbing her eyes and yawning

Rory puts her feelings to the side for now and decides to go over it all later

Rory picks up Tali

You tired baby -Rory

Yeah. Bed please -Tali

Come on then -Rory


Tali's Room

Rory tucks Tali into bed

Runs her fingers through Tali's hair and she softly sings her to sleep though it doesn't make much to get Tali to fall asleep who was very much tired


Later That Night

Rory is sitting in the office drinking Bonbur looking over the photo of Karli with tears in her eyes and she's conflicted if she should go to her

It is all the way in Berlin

Natasha walks in and see's that Rory is upset and she sits down by her

What's wrong... Who's this -Natasha says picking up the photo of Karli

Your niece -Rory

As in -Natasha

Yes -Rory

She looks a lot like you -Natasha

Rory smiles a little on hearing this

I have her address -Rory

So what are you waiting for -Natasha

She lives in Berlin -Rory

What's stopping you -Natasha

What if -Rory

Am gonna stop you right there. You can't think of the what if's ok. This girl is your daughter. Tali's sister. My niece. You need to give yourself a chance. Give her a chance. Give her the chance at having her mother -Natasha

Rory bites her lip

You need to work through this ok... Karli is the last step of you finally moving on from your past... She may not know it yet hell you might not know it yet but you both need each other... Open up your heart and give her a chance -Natasha

Ok -Rory

Ok -Natasha

Now quit hogging the Bonbur -Natasha says swiping the bottle and pouring herself a glass


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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