Chapter VII - Headache & voices

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Tomioka, Kocho, Shinazugawa, and Tokito all start to get a headache while a mysterious voice is calling out their names. When they go to bed, they have a dream.


"Giyuu... Giyuu... Giyuu..."
"Shinobu... Shinobu... Shinobu..."
"Sanemi... Sanemi... Sanemi..."
"Muichiro... Muichiro... Muichiro..."


Whatever it was, it was weird and abnormal. Everything was fine before, Tomioka and Iguro were cuddling in the bathroom, Kocho and Himejima meditated in the garden, Kanroji, Rengoku, and Uzui ate together, Tokito, and Shinazugawa were just sleeping or relaxing in the room with futons.

But something wasn't right. There were voices. Voices that still only four hashiras could hear. And the more they heard it, the more it hurts. All four pillars thought they just have a small headache.

The voices were calling out the names, it continued for about 30 minutes, then the pain was unable.

•Sanemi POV•

Shit, what the hell is this pain. Why the fuck do I hear my name being called out. This hurts, what is happening... I need to find the butterfly. I'm not a weakling, I should be able to handle some pain, still, I'm so confused, what's happening!?

•Muichiro POV•

I don't know what's wrong, my head hurts... Who is Muichiro again... Ah yeah meー is someone calling me? Uhm, who exactly do I need to talk to when something hurts... master... no pillar? Purple, butterfly. Koko? Koho? Choco? Chocho? Kocho? I don't know. Where is the purple butterfly? I

•Shinobu POV•

I can't concentrate... My head hurts, and I can hear someone calling my name... But who could it be? I should look for some medicine in the kitchen. Good that I'm great at hiding my emotions, I don't want many to worry about me.

•Giyuu POV•

My head... why does it hurt? I should just bear it, I don't want Oba to worry about me. Am I hallucinating or why do I hear my voice being called out? Maybe I should go to Kochoー no I never go to her, even if I have injuries from fights... I should be able to handle it.

•Narrator POV•

The more they heard it, the stronger the pain got. It got harder and harder to just bear it. Kocho was looking through the cabinets for medicine, ignoring the three others that were inside the kitchen too, eating. The cabinet that has lots of medicine was very unorganized, Shinobu speculated that the Kakushi forgot to put the medicine into the right, alphabetical order.

Soon she found some pain killer medicine, but none that would make headaches go away. The medicine is also not advanced, which is why even the butterfly mansion sometimes has problems when trying to give medical help to injured or sick people.

She took them, though nothing seemed to happen. The pain did get a bit better, but it still hurt. "Hey, Kocho, do you have some medicine against headaches?" A voice said behind her. "You too, Shinazugawa-San?" She asked. "Well, I hear voices calling out my name, that's all. Don't ask why, and what do you mean with 'you too'?" Sanemi asked. "The same happens to me and I feel pain out of this." She stated, and the wind pillar responded: "Same."

The insect hashira gave the wind user the medicine too, and Sanemi went to Tokito, speculating that he might feel the same. Shinazugawa noticed that the mist user was acting suspiciously different, and he asked Muichiro, who in the end felt the same.

"Do you know where waterboy is?" Muichiro asked. "Why?" Sanemi was a bit confused, these two never really interacted except when they are together with Himejima. "Waterboy can make daikon... I think."

"I don't know where he is," Sanemi said. "Okay... what was I thinking about again..."

•Giyuu POV•

How much longer is this going to last? This stupid pain... I don't want to be the reason why Oba could be worried. The fact that I was the reason he had cried last time. I hate making him have a negative emotion, especially if it's because of me.

Maybe I can take advantage and get out once he's sleeー oh, he already is. I saw small blankets and pillows inside this cabinet here..! Yes, here they are. Heh... there you go Obanai, you should be comfortable enough now. Don't worry, I'll come back later, love.

I need to find Kocho now, she should be able to help me. I hope it won't come out awkward or that she starts teasing me because I seem like a crazy person hearing a voice calling out my name and giving me a headache.

•Narrator POV•

Tomioka went into the garden, trying to find the insect hashira. Expecting her to be there, as he saw her in the garden the last time, he was disappointed to only see the stone pillar.

"Apologies for the interruption, Himejima-San, do you perhaps know where Kocho is?" He asked. "I think she went to the kitchen because of something urgent," Gyomei responded. Giyuu thanked him for that and immediately went to the kitchen.

"Kocho." Shinobu turned around, seeing Tomioka, as she organized the medicine cabinet. "Ara ara~ Tomioka-San, don't tell me you also have a headache from a voice calling out your name." She said, leaving the water pillar surprised. "Yes, but what do you mean with 'also'?" Giyuu wondered. The insect hashira then dragged the water pillar to the open bathroom. Tomioka didn't mind, as getting dragged by the butterfly wasn't that new.

Shinobu said: "First, take some pain killers here. This will help." Tomioka thanked her and took one pill. "Explanation?" Tomioka asked. "Ah, yes. It's just that the same thing happened to Shinazugawa-San, me, and possibly also Tokito-Kun." This left Giyuu surprised. Four hashiras having the same problem? A voice calling out their names and also getting a headache? It definitely wasn't normal.

"Maybe we should go to sleep. It's almost midnight now, and it could especially help us four!" Shinobu suggested, and Tomioka agreed. They all got the hashiras to inform them that it's pretty much bedtime now. Kocho also gave the same reason she said to Giyuu to the wind and mist pillar.

They all got ready, and because of the noise that was made due to everyone making themselves ready, Obanai woke up finding himself being surrounded by a fluffy and soft surface. Blankets and pillows, he knew exactly that this was Tomioka's doing.

'Thank you, I appreciate your caring nature, Yuu.' He thought. Iguro then peeked through the door into the hallway, seeing everyone walking around making themselves ready. He immediately realized it and started to make himself ready for bed too.

After a short while, everyone was about to fall asleep. The water, insect, wind, and mist hashira all got a rather... mysterious dream.


Story words: 1103
Complete chapter words: 1212

Chapter VI start: 04/12/2022
Chapter VI end: 04/15/2022
Published: 04/15/2022

Inspiration: zhe spirits and zhe ded people of kimetsu no yaiba

Written by: Masumi Sensu
Grammar checked by: Masumi Sensu
Check read by: Masumi Sensu

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one and have a good day/night! ♡

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