Chapter IV - Emotional hug [Iguro POV]

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Tomioka's having a sma break down right in front of Iguro. Obanai comforts him and realizes that something in his memory is missing.

[The chapter's a bit shorter again]


I woke up after a while, seeing it was nighttime now. The others are either sleeping or playing a game. They probably wondered where Tomioka or I were. If they looked here in the garden they would've seen me a little far away from Tomioka though. He did say that he wanted to keep it a secret. I always thought he was acting like that because he was arrogant. I never thought that the sentence 'I'm different from you' actually meant the exact opposite of what we all were thinking. I guess this is what you call never judge a book by its cover.

I'm even more surprised that Kaburamaru likes him. Usually, they don't trust people fast, no matter what they do, but this time they did. It's so weird, I really wanna know his secrets.

This leads me to think though... Am I really doing this all because of his secrets..? Since I started talking to Tomioka, I couldn't get my mind off him. He was so kind, almost like an introvert version of Kanroji. Just like her, he's an actual airhead, which I didn't expect at first.

I don't understand what's wrong with me. I somehow feel a safe and comfortable aura around him. Does it mean that... I wanna be friends with him?! No way, how could it be possible. I used to hate him!

It's so confusー looks like he's waking up. I should get down from the tree and go to him.

"Hello Iguro-Kun, how are you?" Iguro-Kun? Usually, he just calls me Iguro and if he would choose to address me in such a way I would've expected 'san'.

"Kun? Isn't it early for such addressing?" I asked. "No, no at all. Plus it's private, y'know?" I wasn't sure what to say, but in the end, I nodded in agreement.

"It's nighttime, should we go inside? Maybe they're still awake." I stated while approaching Tomioka. I don't know what was wrong with me but I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings, which caused me to trip over a stone. My reaction time was definitely not the fastest if I wasn't in a combat-type situation.

Excepting to fall, I didn't fall on a hard floor and I also didn't hear a loud thud. What I felt was something slim around my waist area and I felt my right arm being pulled up. Opening my eyes, I saw Tomioka. Normal, until I finally realized how close he was to my face and the way he held me after some seconds.

I felt my face heat up. A blush appeared, and I also started to tremble. While that happened, Tomioka put me upright, and when I was about to leave this position, he picked me up bridal style and went to a bathroom with me. At this point, I was so confused.

He made me sit down against the wall. I didn't completely sit, it was like a mixture of sitting and laying down in the corner. Tomioka had his arms leading on the wall, impersonating me. He got closer and closer, just as close as we were when he caught me- and that was about three inches away.

"Tomioka, what are you doing!?" I asked. "Iguro-Kun... Could it be that something feels missing from your mind..?" Something missing? What could he mean? I remember my childhood andー hold on... How come I can only remember the start of the final selection? He is right. Something is missing. The moment after the start of the final selection up to the point where I got to know Kanae-San. Did...did I have a memory loss!? But how!? I...I never thought about that.

"Looking at your eyes, I can tell that I was right." I looked up to him as he said that and nodded. "You know something about it, don't you?" I asked. He looked away. I saw regret in his eyes. But why regret?

I was in my thoughts for a second until I felt arms around me. Tomioka hugged me. I don't know why, but I hugged him back. I think he needed it. It wasn't too long until I heard some noises from him. Sadness. He was crying, his face was buried in my shoulder.

This is probably the most emotion I had ever seen from him. "Tomioka..?" I asked. His voice was already very unstable, and I somehow didn't mind him crying in my arms. I wanted to comfort him, even if it's usually not something I'd do.

"I-I'm sorry, Iguro-K-Kun... You probably w-won't understand, but p-please know that I'm s-sorry for that... day." I was shocked to see him like that. I soon released the hug, seeing his eyes that were still letting out tears, and the eyebags under them. I grabbed a tissue paper that was right next to us and wiped away the tears with it.

Normally I wouldn't do that. I would not even want to be involved in that, but something in me tells me that I shall do that.

Soon, I made him lay down on my lap, thinking about 'the day' the mentioned. He was apologizing for what happened that day? What was it? Does it have something to do with the memory problem?

"What are you apologizing for, Tomioka..?"


Story words: 899
Complete chapter words: 990

Chapter IV start: 04/07/2022
Chapter IV end: 04/09/2022
Published: 04/09/2022

Inspiration: idk even know at this point

Written by: Masumi Sensu
Grammar checked by: Masumi Sensu
Check read by: Masumi Sensu.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one and have a good day/night! ♡

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