The sword stabbed his arm, blood splattered on the floor as izuku grabbed it in pain.

"See?! Haha"
They charged, this time Izuku wouldn't be able to dodge...

Izuku was in so much pain and stress that...
He stopped concealing his presence by accident.

A pulse wave practically struck the assassin as they fell to the ground, the presence was so strong it was unbearable...

"What... The... H-how..?!" They screamed as they dropped their sword.

The presence awoke everyone else in the palace immediately, everyone could sense it...

Izuku typically kept in concealed so they forgot how strong it was exactly...
Especially with how it was stronger than how they felt it last.

The guards quickly charged up the stairs, confused and concerned as to what had a presence so strong...?
They didn't know izuku was up there.

When they barged into his room, they found him bleeding against the wall and the assassin struck to the ground.

"An assassination attempt?! Charge!"

The assassin was immediately apprehended and cuffed with quirk cancellers.

The gaurds struggled a bit due to how strong the presence was up close, but they managed.
They were trained to physically withstand presences for situations as such.

"What is going on?"
Inko asked as she appeared at the door.
The presence had woke her up too.
Her eyes widened when she saw Izuku on the wall, bleeding.

"Izuku?! What happened!?" She ran up to him and lifed him up with her telekinesis.
Her eyes then met the assassin's.


Guards, lock them up in the dungeon until the sun rises.
As soon as it does, take them out for questioning.
In the end, the sentencing is clear.

Death sentence for the attempted murder of an imperial family member.
And if they aren't from the enemy country, before the death sentence, all limbs will be chopped off for treason."

Inko quickly took Izuku to the infirmary of the palace, there was always an imperial doctor on stand by for situations like these.


"He's lucky the brachial artery wasn't hit.
It would've been fatal.

This is a deep flesh wound, it'll heal but leave a scar.
For now, continue to apply pressure. I've stitched you up so refrain from any movements that could open it up."
The doctor explained as she finished up wrapping up a secure bandage on izuku's arm.

He had been hit just below the shoulder.

Inko let out a relieved sigh, there had been so much blood that she panicked.

"Mom..." Izuku forced out.

"Yes...?" She asked as she sat besides him.

"...why does... Dad hate... Me..?"
He forced out as his eyes slowly began to close.
He could hardly stay awake any longer.

Inko didn't know how to reply, her first instinct was to deny what he said but even she knew that'd be a lie...
What kind of father would want their own son to die...?

Not a loving father, that was guaranteed.


The assassin turned out to be a man. He had been sent from the enemy country to kill the crown prince.

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