💜 Chapter 7: Promise Ring

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"...you have been accepted to go to xxxxx University in Seoul!" I read off the page, squealing and hugging Marie. This was a dream come true. I finally have been accepted at my dream university, and in Seoul too! I could finally go see my best friend and boyfriend! It has been so long since I have seen them face to face. Hopefully he has not moved on...


I trust Park Bo-gum.

He would not leave me.



"I am going to miss you so much Y/N!" Marie cries, hugging me tightly.

We were now at the airport and saying our last goodbyes. I had texted Namjoon this morning saying that I was leaving Los Angles to go to Seoul to study. He replied a few minutes ago...

[Heyy] Me

[Guess what!] Me

[I got accepted into my dream university and will be leaving to Seoul today!] Me

[Sorry we could not get to meet up again to do another photoshoot] Me

Namjoon🐨 [Ooh congratulations!]

Namjoon🐨 [I am so happy for you!]

Namjoon🐨 [We should meet up once I get back to Seoul too :)]

[You live in Seoul?] Me

Namjoon🐨 [Yup!]

[Oh cool :)] Me

[I have to go now, or I will miss my flight, talk later?] Me

Namjoon🐨 [Okay...have a good flight]


The flight to Seoul was a long and tiring one. I was stuck sitting in front of a single mother with her child who kept crying and kicking my chair. I could not get any sleep so I stayed up watching a few movies and listening to some music. You would of thought that I would of gotten really bored but no. Marie had sent me a 7 hour long playlist all from her favourite kpop band, BTS. I will not lie, their music is really good, but I can't tell the difference between them. (ARMYs please do not come at me for this...sorry) If someone had told me that they were all siblings, I would of believed them.

When we finally reached my dorm, I immediately threw myself onto the bed. I was so tired. Luckily the university was kind enough to let me stay in their dorms for free. I have not told my boyfriend or best friend that I was now back in Seoul. I figured it would be nice to surprise them. I will go visit them tomorrow.


I wake up the next day feeling refreshed. I can go see my boyfriend today! I walk over to my bathroom to take a quick shower and change into some nicer clothes. I call a cab to come pick me and up and drive me to my boyfriend's luxury apartment. Once we arrive, I thank the driver and head to his front door. My hands were dripping with sweat when I pressed his doorbell. I fiddled with the promise ring he had given me when he first asked me out while waiting for him to open the door.

"Y-Y/N?" Park Bo-gum stutters, looking at me up and down.

"Babe! I have missed you so much!" I jump into his arms and kiss him.

"G-get off me," he pushes me off of him.


"B-babe what's wrong?" I look at him, tears falling out of my eyes, "h-have you fallen out of l-love?"

"Sorry Y/N," he apologises, "it has been five years...I-"

"Save it," I slap him angrily, throwing the ring at him, "keep the damn promise ring."

I run away from his house and find myself in the middle of the city. Lost.

"Y/N...? Is that you?"

Is that...Sungwoon? I can feel myself visibly relax as he walks closer towards me.

"Hey, long time no see haha..." I laugh a little, "what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that Y/N...are you alright?" Sungwoon asks, "you look like you have been crying."

"I'm fine, just lost heh," I shrug, "could you please bring me to your sister? Unless you are busy of course."

"Oh sure, wait here, I will go get my car," Sungwoon politely says.


"We are here Y/N," Sungwoon calls from the driver's seat.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here," I thank him, bowing.

"No need to thank me, anything for my sister's best friend," Sungwoon smiles.

After waving goodbye I head to the front door and ring the doorbell.

"Who is it?"

The door slowly opens.

"Siwoo!" I squeal, jumping into her arms, "Si-siwoo..."

"Y/N..? Woah why are you crying? Are you alright?" Siwoo asks, ushering me inside.

"My b-boyfriend, Park Bo-gum, h-he broke u-up with m-me," I sob into Siwoo's shoulder.

"Aww bestie...it is okay do not cry...he does not deserve you..." Siwoo says as she tries to calm me down.

My face was wet with tears. Siwoo helps dry them using her hands. Suddenly I feel something cold on my face. I pull her hand away. This...

"Siwoo..." I mumble.

"Yea?" she asks.

"W-why do you have this..." I mutter, picking up her hand again, "the promise ring my boyfriend gave me..."

"He asked me out and I-" Siwoo starts, but I cut her off.


"Y/N-" Siwoo cries, "I am sorry I-"

"Traitor..." I whisper, turning away from her and exiting the door, leaving her behind. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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