🐨 Chapter 6: Rain

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Namjoon's POV

We had the day off to go do whatever we wanted so I decided to go for a jog at a nearby park. I heard it is pretty popular so maybe I will meet some friendly people. I looked in the mirror and checked I had everything. I was wearing a grey sweatshirt along with black pants and a black jumper. I had checked the weather before and apparently it was going to rain so I decide to bring a bag and umbrella too.

I leave the hotel and start jogging towards the park. The cool breeze hits me in the face. It was the best feeling ever. The park was surprisingly empty when I arrived. I take a break on a nearby bench and observe my surroundings. The scenery was beautiful. Suddenly a girl comes out of nowhere and sits next to me. Also observing the scenery around her. Then she takes out a camera and starts scrolling through her photos. I take a peak and wow they are good. She starts to delete some and comes across a photo of a woman with a man standing in front of a house hugging each other and it about to delete it.

"You should keep that one, it is pretty," I say, "s-sorry, I did not mean to look at your camera, you are really talented though."

"O-oh thank you," she says, smiling, "I actually came here today because it was my day off work and my exams have finished. I have been looking for someone who would like to model in my photos..."

"Would you like me to? I have some free time too and it would be pretty sad if your day went to waste," I reply, smiling at her again.

"Really?" she asks excitedly, "thank you!"

She is so cute.

"Haha sure, I am Namjoon by the way," I say, putting my hand out.

"Y/N," she replies, shaking my hand, "how about we start on this bench?"

"Okay, how would you like me to pose?" I ask, standing up.

"Hmmm...try standing up and putting your foot on the bench and tying your shoelaces?" she instructs.

"Like this?" I ask, getting into the position she told me to.

"Yes! Now don not move," she replies, moving back a little to take the photo.




"Now use your shirt to wipe your face," she tells me.

I follow her instructions.




"These are perfect!" Y/N squeals, "you should be a professional model!"

"Haha thanks," I say, blushing, "can I see the photos you took?"

"Oh yes of course!" she nods, showing me the photos from her camera.

"Woah...you have real talent right here Y/N...are you a professional photographer?" I ask. She has to be a professional, how else would her photos be this good?

"Thanks but no I am not a professional," she replies, a little sadly, "I do not really have the time or money for that...so it is just a hobby."

"Oh that is a shame. You would have been a very famous photographer," I say, smiling at her.

"Thanks-" she starts, only to be interrupted by a ringtone coming from my pocket.

"Sorry, excuse me I have to take this," I apologise.

"No worries," she says.

Oh. It is Hoseok.


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