🐯 Chapter 2: You Can't Run From Me

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Taehyung's POV

I wake up to the sound of rustling beside me and slightly open my eyes to see the same girl from last night gazing out the window. She is beautiful, even with all that bed hair. Suddenly she turns around and sits up so I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping. I can feel her stare as the blanket slowly comes off me. I tried not to move when I felt a wave of cold air come over me. It was so cold without the heated blanket. After while the girl moves off the bed. She is not really thinking of running away and leaving me here right? This was all her fault to start with. We would not be here if it were not for her. Not that I minded of course. It was the best night I had had in a while. I hear more shuffling and open my eyes to see her picking up her clothes. She was wearing my shirt from last night and looked really cute. Especially covered in all those hickeys I gave her last night. She was a beautiful artwork. She quickly takes off my shirt and I turn around from embarrassment. Big mistake. She must of thought I was awake because she stopped moving and faced me, her stare piercing into my back.

After a while I hear more shuffling around and a pen scratching the paper plus money. Was she seriously thinking of leaving me here with some cash? How rude. Soon enough, I hear running towards my direction and I quickly shut my eyes and relax my face, back to sleeping again. I hear her put something next to me, probably the cash and paper, then head out the door, closing it quietly. After checking that she was gone for sure, I sit up and look at the sticky note pasted on the bedside table next to me. It said 'Sorry for last night. Please take this as an apology' with $50 cash. Heh. I have never felt more offended. Was I just a one-night stand? I will find you, mysterious girl, you can't run from me. I get up and turn on my phone, to check the time, only to find 15 missed calls from Jimin, 10 missed calls from Jungkook, 12 missed calls from Namjoon, 13 missed calls from Jin and Hoseok and 5 messages from Yoongi. It is 12:38pm. Crap. I missed our meeting.

I hurry to the bathroom to shower and change into more comfortable clothes. As I pass the mirror, I notice my neck and chest and see hickeys all over myself. Memories of last night come flooding back to me and I turn red. I could not even get her name. At least I remember her face...I could never forget such beauty.

After I shower I change into more comfortable clothes and wear a turtleneck shirt to cover up the hickeys. Then I head out of my room and down to the lobby to find the rest of BTS. I call Jimin to ask where they were and somehow find myself in a lecture for sleeping in and missing the meeting. He tells me that they are in the hotel's restaurant for lunch. As I head to the restaurant, I pass reception and see the same girl from last night. The one who ditched me. She makes eye contact with me and her eyes widen. I smirk and look away. So she works here huh...

"Tsk, Tae where have you been?" Namjoon asks me, "you never showed up to our meeting and did not pick up any of our calls or replied to any of our messages. We were worried something had happened."

"Sorry Namjoon...I had a...rough night and slept in," I reply sheepishly. They do not have to know what really happened last night.

"Aish..." Jin sighs, "at least put your phone off silent and call back so that we know you are okay."

"Will do," I nod, taking my seat, "so, what did you guys order?"

Seven ChoicesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora