Chapter fourty - six

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Multiple sirens were heard from all angles coming closer to the building their father was last known to be at. It was a tip off, anonymous caller. An ambulance, four police cars and The PI's car all held up outside. Yelling for those inside to come out.  No reply.

Their father drunkenly roaming the streets of England. Mike planning an escape, the other two associates unknown able to leave. George screamed at the slight of a ripped shoe belonging to Y/n in a bin close by. A recovery began. Nick was hysterical, crying into Clays chest as George fought the police officers for entry. This is when they truly believed she was gone. Even Technoblade was fighting for hope.

"LET ME IN" he screamed. They denied him. George was trying to find his sister, to confirm his fears. The police spared him the trauma.

Their handheld radios blurted "send in paramedics, pulse is extremely weak" George cried. She was alive after a year of being denied that belief. Paramedics rushed in shortly coming out attempting to cover her. He could see blood. Only blood. Too much blood. A police escort to the hospital was provided as George road along with the other three men in a police car. It was the waiting game they suffered now.

Hour one. Nobody spoke, the hospital was silent. George crying into Clays chest. Nick, was pale, he struggled eating beforehand. A little each week, nothing within the past two days. Techno was pacing gripping his coat, knuckles white. Clay shaking anxiously. Still not a thing as the girl they all knew and loved, after a little over a year was found. Half dead, half alive?, ghostly.

She was only 19.

Hour two, Technoblade left to the station along with Clay and George. Her father and few others found to be involved had been brought in, Anger boiled through them all even Nick, but he felt too depressed to move. Crying hard, silently to himself. Promising to never leave her side again.

A nurse attempted to check on him, offer him water and food. He denied. Refusing to let the scaring sight, pools of red red blood falling from his wife.

He'd never seen as much in his life. He didn't think a person could contain so much of it.

Hour three.

Waiting was all he had. The empty waiting room served it's purpose for waiting. Every doctor or nurse that walked by, he was glued too in hope it was good news for him.

In hope he wouldn't be letting go so quickly.

Nick hoped.

Hour four, George, Techno and Clay were back. Red puffy eyes, Technoblade and Clays bruised knuckles and Slight bruising on Clays face. "Anything" George croaked looking at Nick.


Hour five, Impatient Technoblade walked, further than he was supposed to. Being called back by multiple doctors. "SIR" he couldn't hear them, he was focused on one thing. Finding Y/n.

'Operation room 2', was when he seen her through the glass in the door. He could see her stomach. Her face. Bruises dabbled in blood splashes. The scar across her belly being pieced together. He smiled for the first time in months. He smiled.

They were fixing her. She was alive, right? Surely she was.

Hour six. Was the most crucial, for them emotionally, the Nurse finally had the answer they'd all been waiting for. What was next? Was Y/n Davidson the girl they'd all come to adore and love in their own ways, dead or alive.

George spoke to the doctor out of earshot from the rest of the boys. Confidential policy's.

"What's the prognosis" His tired eyes called for help while his voice trembled. Fear. "Your sister has suffered a lot, essentially within the past twenty four hours" She looked to her notepad to confirm the result of the operation.

"She suffered a blow to the left side of her body around her hip, luckily it didn't hit anything serious, I imagine it would have blood loss suffered mostly there" She knew she shouldn't be discussing the actual detail of injury's with him, especially considering his state. But she felt truly sorry for George.

"There we're a few Lacerations and bruising around her face and inner thighs" she sighed coming towards the next sentence and his heart raced "A gash made across her stomach area burned some internal organs, staring from her intestines to her kidneys" His heart sank he didn't know what it meant but he knew it was bad.

"Her body suffered a lot of trauma and will take time to heal, luckily nothing was permanently damaged and we were able to save her organs, as best we could. She will be in pain for quite some time and she will experience a few side affects. For a long time."

George's POV
I was nodding, taking it all in. Tears welling in my eyes. Like a river about to flood. "She's going to be ok, Sir, her body needs to rest, it could take up to a week for her to waken.." Her voice grew dry as if there was something she was fearful of saying. But in this moment I didn't care. "Room 206" I bolted down the hallway faster than I ever ran before.

Technoblade rushed behind me, even overtaking. Clearly crying and moving swiftly, reaching her room he stopped. I stopped beside him. "Thank you" I said, "Thank you" I repeated "Thank you god, thank you" I have never been overly religious but in dire moments you would do anything. "Thank you Techno" he looked at me, he hugged me. Warm and tight, "Thank you for taking care of me, thank you for always being there for both me and Y/n" My sentences were blurred through tears mumbled words and millions more thank yous .

We were still stood outside the door. She was hooked up to so many machines. Beeps could he faintly heard through the oak door. The heavy oak door. It was some indication she was there. Present.

Clays POV
Nick fell into my arms, crying. It has been hard for all of us. But I feel it's been incredibly worse for him, he continues to blame himself. Over something out of his control. The nurse watched George and Techno scatter down the corridor.

She took a breath. A deep one. Cradling Nick, I placed him to the small hospital chair, "Sorry Uhm, Nurse..Troyt is something wrong" Nicks sobs grew quiet trying to listen. "I couldnt tell him.." she said

"We're unsure if she'll ever be able to carry and produce her own children, the abuse endured is worse than you think, she suffered a major gash to her stomach area" she apologised once more before walking off.

I turned around, Nick was gone. He was gone? But where?. He can't drive, and doesn't know the half of England. This will be hard.

I went to find George leaving Nick to have his alone time. "George..Uhm.." His happiness, was drawn to me. He hugged me. "They don't think she'll be able to have her own children" I blurted out. He nodded as if he already knew, I think he was so happy because she was alive.

He wouldn't leave the next day to get showered. He didn't want her to get hurt again, so each night we Nick took turns watching her.

He has been in contact with us, we know he's ok. But could anyone ever really be ok?.

It didn't take long for her to show signs of consciousness. Small things excited all of us her fingers moving, her legs twitching every now and then. A lot of the terms the doctors used didn't comply to my knowledge of an injury such as the ones Y/n sustained.

The small squeaky sound shoes made could be heard falling through the door. "Sap?" George queried, "How is she?"He asked " good, yeah everything's good she should be waking up soon". I hugged him, His beard was shaved, knuckles were bloodied and bruises I didn't dare ask. "Can she? Can she Hear us?" He inquired " We're not sure why?" I asked "I just wanted her to know how much, how much I love her" Sapnap smiled his eyes only on her.

He stayed, for the remainder of her unconscious days. He talked to her as if he could she could hear us. She was screaming back how much she loved him. He knew.

Every morning became a routine, Sapnap would spend the night at the hospital with her then Techno would come in with two coffees forcing him to either shower and change or to go get some proper sleep. He always complied, Me and George would arrive in the afternoon. He'd been spending days with lawyers and Attorneys on how everything could play out ensuring their dad wasn't coming out of prison.

This was their family.

Soulmates and Friendships, They we're lucky to have found each other. Some people don't find their soulmate.

Finally yours. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora