Chapter fourteen

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Wednesday 25th of September.

This week has been exhausting, juggling collage, streaming, Tommy's need to explore England and his vlogs and Jenna's house party.

Nothing major happened at her party, just a few too many drunk teenagers.

Playing into the routine of Jack being on the sofa before everyone else I came and laid beside him. "I'm thinking McDonald's breakfast seen as it's our last morning together" he reminded me. I really didn't want the guys to leave, Wilbur staying here along with Tommy and Toby, it became habit of seeing them everyday, daily streams with them and loud talking around the house.

"I'm gonna miss you" I told him admitting to it "I've been meaning to talk to you about something" Smiling at me, it was kinda like George's 'not serious' conversation. "Mmhm" I hummed in response "I've been planning to move out of my mums house and I think i found the right place, I just need to sign the lease, it's a two bedroom apartment it's got a good enough sized living room and kitchen" he told me and I was happy for him moving out "I'm looking for a roommate,"

It was a big decision, I had been living with George for around four years. Well since the accident.

Our mother left when I was fourteen, just after George had moved out. Our dad took up bad habits such as Drinking and Drugs. It was easy to tell after a short time they were became an addiction. He pinned her leaving on me as George wasn't around to for him to pin the blame on both of us.

One night he came home drunk, again. After having enough of his everything, took his built up anger out on me.

This became a daily occurrence, his anger going toward me. I usually avoided it, until one day I didn't make it to the bathroom. I didn't get to lock the door and hide away until he sobered up. The emotional abuse was manageable I was  just unsure wether if it were to turn physical I would've even made it out alive, when I nearly didn't after he got me.

I woke up two months later, in a hospital bed with a few broken bones. The doctor told me that day I suffered major head trauma and if I hadn't of woken up the time I did they probably would've pulled the life support.

I shivered a the thought turning back to Jack.

I agreed to move in with him. I can't live with George forever, and it was the perfect opportunity. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard but it is, leaving George. I'll talk to him about it sometime after he comes back.

He showed me the page he had seen the apartment on and it wasn't too far from here so I was still close to George.

It was already furnished so we didn't have to worry about buying things either.

Having another house party Sunday, better be there. 🍾

I smiled at the message and replied telling her I would. As Jack was messaging the apartments landlord asking about when the lease could be signed. "Alright sweet we can stop by tomorrow at some time and sign it" it was all happening very fast, getting a car, moving out but in a weird way I loved it.

"Someone else can drive today I'm drinking to celebrate" I said as Wilbur came out of his room looking like he had just risen from the dead. "Willll drink with meee" I sang "what's the occasion" he said yawning "I'm moving out" I cheered. He shrugged and poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Looks like I'm driving then" Jack groaned.

Morning drinking wasn't my thing, but I was happy and why not.

11:45am an hour later

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