Chapter seven

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(Art by @tofu.starch on Instagram :))

Short filler chapter

Saturday 7th of September

Y/nnn I'm such a good friend and I wanted to ask if we have a small party for Wilburs birthday. It seems like such a good plan. Niki and fundy are coming for his birthday. Then me, you, Tubbo, Jack and Phil will be there. And a few of his close friends but when I say few I mean few.

Yeah sure sounds fun I can get food, drinks and shit. You tell Phil, and I'll tell, Fundy and Niki?

Don't tell will want it to be a surprise :,p
Read 12:23pm

He said he didn't want to tell will because he wants it to be a surprise but in reality he didn't want will to know because he doesn't want will to think he cares too much. Tommy seems to have a like fear of people calling him out for caring which is funny to me because I could bully the man for the way he treats Toby.

I knew who will was and was quiet friends with Will we talked to Will a lot, mainly on the smp or origins we would always catch each other on at irrational times like 4-5 in the morning when we both know we have things to be up earlier for. It was always fun to just goof about tho.

It was hard for me, being a closed off perosn and keeping to myself only making irl contact with George to going to hosing a fucking party with a like ten? People coming. I was trying to calm myself down, meeting a lot of people.

But soon got over my overreacting and began gift shopping for will, I wanted to get him something he would actually use rather than something he would throw in a box and never see again. Wether anyone likes to admit it we've all did that at some point.

An hour later

I texted Clay deciding to mock him for his previous reaction to the meet up. Even tho we wee good now, I still mocked him for his hypocritical-ness. We're all hypocritical at some point right?

Clayton :)

I'm meeting Niki, Phil, Will, fundy  and Jack soon. Happy I checked with you? :p

I was mainly checked checking with him  to mock him but I was also checking to make sure he was ok with it. But I wasn't going to admit that to him any time soon.

I did feel bad they were all seeing who I was before him. But I'm not living behind a mask all my life.

It didn't take him long to replay seen as he's always on his fucking phone wether it's to do with business or he's scrolling endlessly on Twitter.

Clayton :)
Fuck you >:(

I feel bad now :(. Debating wether I should snap you a picture or not.

Clayton :)
Don't. I do not take pity. I'm fine. I'm joking I'm not mad. I respect your decision. And I love you like a sister. Ur pog :)
Read 4:15pm

I FaceTimed Nick and we talked, for ages. He helped my indecisive ass pick what place to order food from and we chilled. It was fun just having a friendly conversation with him even when we weren't talking the silence was comfortable Ending our seven hour call as he had planned a date thing with sAmAnThA.

I ended up flicking through Netflix, but clicking on the show friends. You can never go wrong with that show. After binging a season of the show it can become boring.

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