Chapter 7

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Shadow's POV:

Since Amy suggested she take Sonic for a while I decided to finally relax, I plug my headphones into my phone and turned on my music. "Finally some peace" I placed my hands at the back of my head. "Shadow, I need help!" Amy barged in shouting, which startled me as I growled and looked at her. "What do you want, Rose" I growled glaring at her as she panted. "Something's wrong with Sonic! He won't wake up!" Amy said breathing heavier. "What?!" I growled getting up. Do I ever get to relax anymore?!

I chaos controlled us to Amy's house and saw Tails running a diagnosis on him, "How is he doing Tails?" Amy said walking up to the computer. "He's stable, His heartbeat is slowing down though," Tails said pointing at a heart monitor. "I feel like this is more than a sickness.." Amy said worriedly as she looked at Sonic.

Please be okay, sonic...

I haven't told Amy about what Tails did so she was kind of clueless, she'd stay with Sonic the whole day till I came back home from G.U.N, Tails was still working on the 'antidote' so he's going to be like this for a while, A few hours later Sonic woke up and wouldn't come out of the guest room and would only come out for food or something to drink. "Sonic, Maybe you should come out of your bedroom," I knocked on his door, I didn't get an answer but I heard him unlock the door to let me in, I walked in and he was covered in his blanket, pulling it over his head and he turned around as I sat beside him on the bed. "Are you doing okay?" I asked patting the blanket to get his attention until he spoke. "I-I'm fine.." He said removing the blanket over his head and sitting up. "Are you sure?" I asked stroking his quills, He purred softly and eventually fell asleep before speaking. "Yes, I-I'm sure.." Sonic had completely fallen asleep so I placed him carefully on his pillow and tugged him in and turned off the lights before leaving. 

"How is he doing," Amy said sitting down with a bowl of fruit. "He's doing fine, He just needs some rest," I replied sitting down and looking at Tails who was on his computer doing... whatever he does. "Tails, thank you again for helping Sonic." Amy thanked Tails and he replied quickly and nervously. "Y-yeah, No problem, he's my best friend after all." Tails picked up his laptop and went to his room. "What's with him" Amy complained and got up. "Well, I'm going to head home, bye shadow," Amy said waving before leaving. I went to Sonic's room and saw that he removed the blanket, I placed the blanket on him once more and sat on the edge of the bed as he snored quietly, He looked so peaceful, so cute...

Next morning

I woke up and saw Sonic watching me worriedly as he poked my cheek. "S-shadow... Are a-awake?.." Sonic poked my cheek gently as he whispered. "I'm awake, why are you not in bed?" I asked getting up, It startled Sonic a little and he backed away. "I'm sorry, It's okay," I said slowly walking up to him and pulling him into a hug, He didn't get startled and he hugged back and calmed down. "Sh-shadow... Can I g-get something t-to eat?" Sonic looked up at me and I nodded, I helped him downstairs and I gently placed him on a chair. "Alright, what do you want to eat?" I asked as he was looking around and he looked at me and spoke. "C-can I have S-soup again? I L-like how y-you make i-it," Sonic said smiling softly. "Sure, one chicken noodle soup comin' right up," I chuckled and focused on making the soup, Sonic turned on the Tv and watched a show while he waited, I got a bowl and put some of the soup into the bowl and carried it to Sonic. "Here you go, the best one in store," I said chuckling softly. Sonic took a small sip and his eyes sparkled. "Delicious!" he said taking another small sip. "I'm glad you like it" I replied and got up to open the door since there was a knock before. "What do you want-" I froze seeing who it was.

Sonic's POV:

"where is my son." A familiar voice spoke, I got startled and quickly looked to see who it was. It was my mother?! How did she find where I live!? "Uhh, Queen Aleena! Who are talking ab-" Shadow got cut off when she pushed him out of the way and came over to me. "My baby boy! How are you feeling, are you doing alright, are you healthy!" I got startled and backed away slowly. "Queen Aleena, Sonic is having a hard time adjusting to people coming up to him suddenly" Shadow said trying to calm me down a little. "Oh, I see, well if he wants time alone I can come later today" My mother said before Tails came downstairs. "Oh, Hello Queen Aleena!" Tails waved at her and she waved back smiling. "Hello dear, I was just about to take my leave" I was too nervous to say anything or even move any part of my body. "goodbye, I'm coming back later today with a small surprise," And with that she left, I was breathing heavier and I was more nervous. "Relax, I'm here," Shadow said stroking my quills gently not to startle me again, I started to purr and almost immediately fell asleep.

Shadow's POV

Sonic have gotten more tense whenever someone startled him, I carried him to his room an gently placed him on the bed and tugged him in before sitting down by the chair beside a the night stand and watched him, It was around 8 am and Tails and Amy came in the room to make sure Sonic was doing better, I closed my eyes for a little while and fell asleep

I few hours later, Sonic woke me up by poking my cheek again. "Sh-shadow.. C-can I g-go outside?" Sonic asked as he kept poking my cheek to get me fully awake. "Sure, lets go" I got up and held his hand, this time he wasn't startled but he kept looking at our hands with a bit of red on his cheek. "Are you okay?" I asked him as he was trembling a little bit. "I-I'm fine... It's j-just, t-there is a l-lot of p-people here" He said holding my hand tighter. "It's fine, No one can do anything if I'm with you" I said looking at him and a small smiled appeared on my face and he smiled back and calmed down. 

We watched the sun set as the sky turned an orange-ish red color, Sonic fell asleep on my shoulder and snored quietly, He was so peaceful when he slept, I picked him up and carried him home. I hope Tails gets this antidote ready to fix you... I kissed his forehead and went home. 

Hello peeps, this is the longest chapter I've done in ANY of my stories, More chapters coming soon, I hope to see you very soon, Byee <3

Don't trip on your way out. :D

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