I teased her by taking a swift bite from her cone. She payed me back by doing the same thing. I could just spot that she had a dab if ice cream on her nose from biting my ice cream. I wiped it off with my sleeve as her face was super flustered and I laughed.


It's like all the problems I just faced were completely wiped. It was really fun spending more time with Adam.

Another day at school. When the lunch bell went and everyone was heading out, Monica came in toward my desk. 

"Hey Y/n, Me and Travis discussed that us four want to go to the little corn dog run outside of the school where they're having a fundraiser. You guys wanna buy?" She was so eagered.

"Well, I don't have money though."

"That doesn't matter. Travis was actually caring enough to bring $50 for the fundraiser. So, I'm sure he's nice enough to buy you one. And besides..."

She leaned towards my ear and whispered. "It's obvious he'll get one for you since he likes you anyway." I flung back, stunned. She laughed at me. 

"It's fine. He never said but it's pretty distinct that he does."

Adam came along with me and Monica before we met up with Travis walking up to us outside of the classroom. When we got to the outside zone, their was already a staggering line of people, but luckily we ended up buying one for each of us. 

Travis bought me and Adam one. He's really kind. He also handed the rest of the money to the fundraising money jar as we all applaud him for such generosity.

After all that was done, I was walking with Adam across the hallway. It was that moment my brain remembered something very vivid.

"What's up?"

We both stopped. "Oh, it's just that. I think I may have left something behind. And, my stomach feels a little off." I said unsure.

"Maybe it's the corn dog..?" He said.

Then, something crossed my mind. "My art book! I left it in the classroom." I gasped. 

I asserted Adam to go off to class when I go search for my art book I left behind before leaving to lunch.

I scurried across the school to the classroom. When I ran inside, the book wasn't on my desk where I knew I had left it.


I quickly ran out to go back for Adam. Until I reached one hallway, I came across Diana. Standing from a distance.

My vision could just put together that her foot was on my art diary, and her hand was holding onto the sheet of paper with Adam's profile and pictures on it. That paper.. is his key of living!

I was paused in distraught. My mouth couldn't say anything other than my mind pleading, 'Please let that piece of paper go..?'.

"This art diary is something that I just discovered. And, not only do you use it to cover up your insecurities, but you also draw characters to help comfort you. Aww..! That's honestly quite cute but depressing at the same time." 

She said with major sarcasm.

"P-Please give back the paper and my b-book. That's all I want.." My voice stammered as I reached my arm out.

"That's a shame. You think that drawing your bias would take over all your problems with life. Sorry, but I did say I wanted something back from you after your silly wrong doings. So I will."

Her other hand then grabbed the other side of the paper, as she had forcefully torn the paper in half.

I was suddenly panicked, in fear of the worst.

When she did tear it apart, I swiftly turned the other way and raced to find Adam as I screamed at the peak of my lungs. 


My feet almost tripped, but I finally caught up to him.

"Tae! Tae!!" I dashed up to him and squeezed him in a hug. His body was slightly staggering. 

"W-Why do I feel like.. I'm not existing..?"

I sobbed as I tried telling him about Diana's actions with what she did to the paper.

"D-Diana. Sh-She had my book. And.. she t-tore the paper with your profile..!" I wept dreadfully. His hands clasped onto my cheeks with his thumbs wiping my tears running down and assured me.

"Y/n, Listen- Listen, okay? I have less then a minute. A-And I need you to hold onto the book and pencil for me, okay?" His eyes glared in mine.

"B-But, what if you can't come back?.."

"Don't worry so much... I-I'll always be with you whether I exist or not.."

His face leaned toward mine in an angle as I squinted my eyes closed. Before I could feel his lips on my face, I saw an extreme bright flash as it looked bright red in my vision since my eyes were glued shut.

As everything was silent and withering in the air, my knees crumbled to the ground with my head reaching the floor as my tears grew stronger and pouring down my cheeks..

I couldn't help the pain I felt through out my entire body...

Monica's POV

The screaming I heard from the hallway was daunting on me. When I peaked out the corner, I had the view of Adam holding y/n with an upsetting scene. 

Before Adam appeared to touch his lips on y/n, the flash coming from him was oppressive. I blinked before hitting my eyes. Within a few seconds, y/n was on the floor, weeping in despair. Adam was not anywhere to be seen.  

Did he just... vanish..?

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