Order 66

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"Execute Order 66." The chancellor said, Wolffe, looked confused. "What's Order 66?" He said. Mirabel then ran in. "What happened?" She talked, the other clones looked at her and raised their blasters firing.

"Crap CRAP!" She yelled dodging blaster fire. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Wolffe yelled, the clones turned their blasters to him. So he and Mirabel ran into the corridors shutting them down on them.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Mirabel yelled as the two tried to catch their breath. "No, but the other clones have turned on us.". He panicked.

Mirabel then accessed her comlink. "Master Plo, MASTER PLO DO YOU READ ME!?" She tried to contact him but She only got static. "We have to get to the ground, if he's alive he'll be there." She told Wolffe.

"How would we do that!?" Wolffe yelled. "This entire ship is crawling with fully trained soldiers who want to kill us.!" He argued. "I have an idea." Miabrel slightly grinned.

Wolffe set his gun to stun and knocked a clone out, they stole his armor and Mirabel disguised herself as one. "Alright let's get to the hangar bay." Wolffe said.

As the two walked down the halls of the Venator they passed multiple clones in the halls. They soon arrived at the ship's hangar bay; there was a parked Arc-170 they could use to get offship.

They somehow managed to get into the ship and they left the hanger disguised as a search team to finnish off any remaining CIS forces that weren't yet shut off.

As they zoomed down they saw the true scale of destruction. "Dear god." Wolffe said as they looked below, entire buildings were destroyed and civilians were being rounded up by clone troopers.

"Why are they doing this? They're supposed to protect them, not suppress them." Mirabel said, shaking from the pilot seat. A tear shed from Wolffe's eye from the gunner's seat.

They watched as a division of clones executed some CIS sympathizers. "There that's his starfighter." Mirabel pointed to the wreckage of her master's old ship.

The fighter zoomed down to it and Mirabel quickly jumped from the cockpit running to the crash site. "MASTER ARE YOU THERE!?" She yelled searching through the wreckage which was still partly on fire.

"Maybe he escaped and is somewhere else." She panicked as Wolffe shed another tear knowing there was no true hope. Mirabel then saw something, it was her master's lightsaber.

She turned it on and the blue light almost alerted nearby clones before she turned it off and put it on her belt.

"Let's go." She told Wolffe jumping back into the cockpit, when Wolffe got into the gunner's seat they took off.

The two's Arc-170 traveled through deep space. "Where are we supposed to go? The Republic is trying to kill us and the Separatists have collapsed." Mirabel contemplated, Wolffe was going to say something but then a hologram of the Chancellor came up.

"What is this?" Wolffe questioned. "The Republic shall be reorganized, into the FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE!" The newly titled emperor proclaimed.

"Empire?" Wolffe said. Mirabel seemingly had a lightbulb in her head. "I might know where we can find refuge." "where." The two talked before Mirabel pressed some buttons and jumped the fighter into hyperspace.

"Sol 3."

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