Lyndda interrupted him and brightly said "Hun lets not scare the kids.. Everything is not all bad. Some of them actually don't hate us.."

     Sam hesitantly asked "wait what are you two talking about? Why would the people..species.. Whatever you want to call them.. Why would they want to kill us? What did we do?"

     Lynor huffed and said "It's not what you did specifically, it's what humankind did.. But that is for a later time. Now let's figure out where you three will sleep tonight.."

       Sam looked at him questionably and asked "how do you know the difference between night and day here?"

      Lyndda looked at the group and seriously replied "the clashings order comes out at night or at at least that's what I heard.. Also the Blac Bu's comes out at night time to light the paths. We just have a bed and couch so let's separate into boys sleeping on the couch and girls sharing the bed." The group nodded all at once and expressed their gratitude to the couple.

       A couple hours later on the couch, Lynor and Tony couldn't sleep. Lynor looked at Tony and asked "Can't sleep?"

    Tony sighed and sat up. He looked at Tony and asked "Did this ever scare you?"

      Lynor questionably responded with "you mean "this" as in this world?"

     Tony whispered "yeah, I mean being around people in general sucks. Don't get me wrong, being around humans wasn't all good either, but at least we were all the same species. I kinda have an idea of what each person was thinking about. Now, I'm surrounded by multiple species that I haven't even heard of... I thought I knew everything but, it turns out I know nothing."

      Lynor started to laugh and happily said "Isn't that what every human being thinks in the beginning. Look nobody is expecting you to know everything but this is a good lesson to learn that just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. A lot of the "incidents" happen behind closed doors in this world. You can be alive one day then the next "missing".. So always be careful! Now go to sleep, you will have a long day ahead of you tomorrow!"

       The next morning, the group woke up to a frowsty smell. Sarah scrunches up her nose and asked "Lyndda what are you cooking?"

    Lyndda happily hummed and said "It's my favorite meal to make.. Blac Egs! It is similar to earth version of eggs but, it comes from a Blunrky. It's a animal from Clashings that poops out little black balls. I know it sounds disgusting but, it tastes sooo juicy."

       Sam started to make blarghing noises and Lynor gave her a small bucket. Tony ran outside and started to barf on the side of the house. Sarah tried to swallow she but ended up running outside to throw up. Lynor laughed and happily said "I've been waiting to see how long it will take you to throw up. This reminds me of our first day here...whewww GOOD TIMEES AHAHAH."

       Lyndda placed their plates on the table and told them that the food will help their stomachs  acclimate. Everyone slowly makes their way to the table. Sam, Sarah, and Tony look at each other to see who will eat it first. Sarah picked up a small piece of Blac Egs and tasted it. Everyone looked at her with anticipation and she muttered "this taste nothing like eggs."

        Lyndda and Lynor started laughing their heads off! Lyndda smilef and laughingly said "I said it's similar to eggs not that it tastes like eggs. Don't worry, you will get used to it with time. Eat up because Lynor and I have to work."

     Sarah looked up in shock and asked "So people still working is still a thing huh...THAT SUCKS!"

    Tony snorted and laughingly said "where do you work? Is it similar to a job on earth? How long do you work a day? How is the system set up?"

    Lynor glared at him and slowly said "one question at a time. We work in the herdsman breed. We hunt and take care of animals."

    Tony eyes lit up and asked "what kind of animals? Can we come with you to work?" Lynor and Lyndda looked at each other and slightly nodded their heads .

   Lyndda looked at the group and said "first let's change your clothes ."

        An hour later, everyone started to walk out the door until Lynor gave Tony, Sarah, and Sam each a wet piece of cloth. Lynor smiled and said "right now, we don't have any extra air purifying masks to give you so the wet piece of cloth will have to make do." Everyone started walking outside and noticed dim lit figures walking through the smoke.

    Tony asked "Does everyone goes to work at the same time here?"

    Lyndda chuckled and said "yes and I kinda like it that way because we start at the same time and end at the same time everyday. There is no working late or coming in early. We have assign tasks to get done during the day. Everyone is mostly treated the same."

   Lynor sniffled and replied "MOST meaning not everyone. We have some that thinks they are better than everyone... just because the founding families treat them a little better. If you ask me.. We are all dogs just trying to lick a bone."

        Lyndda shushed him and whispered "Now you know we can't talk about the founding families, someone might be listening."

    Sarah tapped Lyndda on the shoulder and asked "Who are the founding families? Is it taboo to speak of them? Are you breaking the laws by speaking of them?"

   Lyndda shushed her and told her that she will explain later.

        The group walked up to this green door that said service. Sarah looked up and saw a tall black soot-cover building. She squinted her eyes and said "I thought this would look different since this is a new world or something. This just looks like one of those old colonial buildings that needs to be torn down."

       Sam shushed her and mentioned "this is not what we were expecting but, we are in a new world so the system and structure should be different from ours in most cases.."

     Lyndda laughed and said "In this world you need to figure out what is real and what is not...It will help you immensely. Train your eyes to decipher the truth because the information being put out may not be the truth...that goes for our world also."

   Lynor interrupted her and said "It's time!"

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Italics-Internal Dialogue 

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