Chapter 35 - rekindling love?

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I don't know why Ricky is coming. He lives so far away. I think I realized that I do love him. Maybe? Honestly, I'm trying to forget about whatever feelings I had for matt. We're going back to being normal friends. No more warm kisses from his soft lips (I'm so cringe I'm sorry). No more hugs from his happy body. No more hand holding from his gentle hands. No more 'I love you' texts at midnight. It was over. I'm trying to remember what I had special with Ricky, but I'm having trouble doing that.

It was the next day. Matt and I planned on leaving at 5:00pm that day, so I assumed that was still the plan. Ricky got there at 9:00am I assumed after driving all night. He knocked on the door to my dorm room. I opened the door, and smiled. He came into the room and lifted me up and kissed me. Even after driving all night, he still had energy for me. This time, I didn't pull away from the kiss, I held on. But I kept thinking of dang matt. His sweet smile when he entered my dorm, his cute face when he saw his sister. Ugh. Feelings don't just go away. I caught up with Ricky and told him that he couldn't stay for long because I was leaving in a few hours. For somewhere. I didn't specify. He doesn't need to know I'm going with Matt. He didn't know it was fake. I'm not planning on telling him. We had a pretty nice time. He told me about California and his parents along with his little brother (yes he has a little brother now who either his mom gave birth to or always existed) who he missed so much.

"I love you Nini. A lot."

"I love you too Ma-Ricky." *aww*

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Matt?"

"Oh, you know him??" I swerved the conversation.

"I saw a video of you kissing him on Instagram."

"What??? Can you show it to me??"

"You didn't know???"


He showed me the video. It was posted by Olivia. Oh, she's in my theatre class. That's kinda weird to post. It was our first kiss. During the improv. Oh. We are so cute. And the thing is, everyone knows we're cute together. Once again I feel tears on my face. I focus on the video. Us kissing. His goofy smile after, my heart swelling. Was he faking all of this? I'm so confused. Ricky stared at me.

"Nini..." he hugged me. I needed a hug. From a friend.

"Ricky...I don't think we should date-"

"It's okay. I know." He hugs me again. Knowing my pain.

I sniffle. "Thanks, Ricky."

"No problem. I'm going to head out. See you soon."

"Bye." And he left. It was nice to have a non-romantic moment with Ricky. It was almost five, gotta stuff those feelings for Matt inside, but also show them for his family? I headed to his apartment, knowing the exact way from going there almost every day when we "dated". I took a deep breath and went into his apartment with the key he gave me.

"Hey," I said.

"Nini!!" He gave me a hug, and I smiled.

"Matt, I-I don't know how you're going to feel about this but I can't hold it in anymore. I like you. Like in a more than friends sort of way. And honestly, I think I love you. I have since I've met you, but now-. Honestly, I really enjoyed the time we faked dated. I wasn't faking anything. It was never for Ricky. It was for me...and you. And you were the perfect fake boyfriend. I can't imagine how amazing you would be as a real one. I know that you want to date your ex but I need you to know about this-" I said quickly, it just came off my tongue. He interrupted me with a kiss. Literally like a scene from a movie. I was surprised at first, not expecting that reaction. I relaxed and put my arms around his neck, cherishing this moment.

He pulled away and said, "me too. I love you too and not for pretend this time." And he kissed me again. I smile under his lips. I felt so happy. Happier than ever. Matt is my future. Matt is my life. Matt is my happiness. I love him.

a/n: if you thought this book was going slow, just wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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