Chapter 21 - Meet the Moms

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I clear my throat and ring the doorbell. Guess I'm meeting her moms now.

A woman with dirty blonde hair came and answered the door. "oh, hi. are?" she said.

"Matt...Nini's boyfriend." I hesitantly said not knowing if she wanted them to know about our plan. "She asked me to pick her up? I think something happened?"

"Matt? Oh! Nini talks about you all the time. I didn't know you two were dating though. Makes sense why she talks about you ALL the time. It's very cute. Anyway, it's nice to meet you in real life, hon. I'm Carol. You're staying the night here because you two are not driving tonight, it's late."

"Okay." I smiled a little. She talks about me all the time? Adorable. Plus a sleepover at Nini's? I'm not complaining.

"Come in! Come in! Nini's upstairs. 2nd door on the right."

"Thank you, it means a lot that I can stay here."

"No problem, I am not letting you kids drive this late at night!" I smiled and thanked her again as I got upstairs.

Carol was still watching me, so I said, "babe??" As I knock on her closed door. I saw Carol smile as Nini unlocks her door and engulfs me in a hug, her face stained with tears. I hug her back and I whisper in her ear, "You okay?"

She responds with an almost silent, "yes..."

She holds my hand and leads me into her room and shuts the door. "Thank you for coming all this way."

"Yeah, of course. you wanna talk about it?"

"Yes, please."

She literally made popcorn for me to enjoy while she's ranting to me. She is so cute. I guess her rant sessions are now entertainment.

She went on and on about Gina, and her ex Ricky. I tried not to get distracted by her, though. Really, I tried. She's too beautiful.

After everything, I gave her a nice, warm hug. She vented for an hour and 24 minutes; she needs a little treat ;)

"Thank you so so much, Matt. I didn't think I was able to hold in that entire thing much longer." Nini finally smiled.

"It's my pleasure. Oh, by the way I told your mom that we're dating. Sorry, I didn't know what to say."

"It's no problem...I don't mind," she smiled.

I wish we were actually dating. *to all the boys much ~a/n*

"She did say that you talk about me basically all the time."

" know that's totally a lie..."


She punched me gently, and we kinda just sit there and admired each other. We watched a movie and she fell asleep in my arms.

Oh my goodness, she's adorable. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I slowly lay her down on her bed, and go downstairs to the couch. (cuz he's a gentlemen)

The next morning, I met Nini's other mom, Dana. She's great, just like her daughter. I drove Nini home after that. We had a great drive, just enjoying each other's company. I wish we could date. Maybe I'll work up the nerve to talk to her about that someday. It seems like she doesn't like Ricky anymore, so hopefully soon? I'm just not ready yet. We're in a good place right now. I can't ruin this.

a/n: I like you so much it's kinda gross

How Could I Forget? | a hsmtmts fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora