Chapter 31 - Tech Week

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I guess I'll take you along to my after school routine during tech week.

It's a pretty fun one. Spoiler alert: Nini and I hang out a lot ;)

I met up with her near her locker. "Ready to go?" I said, giving her a warm bagel in a bag.


We made our way to the drama room. I was welcomed with a punch of singing voices (one of them is singing really loud which is a bit annoying, but besides the point).

The choir teacher came in with a big smile on her face. "Alright, folks! Let's warm up!"

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH..." (imagine that as the warmup lol)

"Zinga zinga zoo zinga zinga zoo zinga zinga zoo zinga zinga zoo zinga zinga zinga zinga zooooo."

"I love to sing." We sang, going up by thirds.

"I love you." I whispered to Nini as we were warming up.

Nini stuck out her tongue to me. I felt myself blush a bit. That's really cute.

And I get to feel that feeling with her for 4 hours every day, 5 days a week. I'm quite lucky, actually.


I stood backstage with my arms crossed as I listened to Nini sing. I smiled. She's so amazing.


After rehearsing act 1 of Cinderella, it was finally time for a 10 minute break.

"That's act 1!! Be back in ten!!" Our director said to us.

"Thank you ten." Everyone replied as we all walked to the drama room.

"You want to practice the dance?" I asked Nini. We were both having trouble with our waltz in act 2.

"Yeah, we probably should." Nini laughed.

I led her to the hallway outside of the drama room as we started waltzing. Dancing is not either one of our strong suits. Really, the only reason we got our roles is because we can sing and act. I put my hand on her waist as she put hers on my shoulder. We started waltzing. She smiled at me.

I sucked in my breath as Nini stepped on my toes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Matt." She said, trying to hold in laughter.
"It's okay." I laughed.


"1 minute till places!!" Our stage manager yelled.

"That wasn't bad," I said to Nini.

"We're getting better." She giggled.

"Lovebirds, places!!" Our friend, Willa, yelled to us. She plays one of the ugly stepsisters, but she's one of the nicest people I've ever met.

"We're goingggg." Nini responded.


"That's the show!! Great job everyone!! 3 days till curtain!!" Our director said after we finished act 2. The show is coming together very well. I'm so happy with the entire cast. Especially Nini.


I drove Nini back to her apartment and kissed her goodbye on her forehead.

"Wait." She said as I started driving away.


"When we were warming up you said that you loved me...? I guess you meant as a friend, right?"

"Oh yeah...of course I meant that." I replied, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Okay...just checking. Goodnight Mattie."

"Night Nini."

a/n: it's been a while!! Hope you enjoyed!!

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