Chapter 32 - showtime!

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"T-Minus 5 hours." I smiled at Matt, as he hugged me.
"We're going to do great." I replied.

It was the opening night of Cinderella, and I was so thrilled. This show has been so fun, and I'm going to miss the cast BIG TIME. It's for a theatre company, and not for school so it's not like I'm going to see them again. This is also the last year I can't do it next year, since I'll be over 21 (I'm 20 right now), and then you have to move on from the kids company. It's really emotional because I've been doing these shows with this company, but in a different city, for almost my whole life. I've always dreamed about playing a lead for this company. And here I am. I love this.

My phone rang.

"Oh my gosh." I said.


"Oh my gosh!"

"Is everything okay??"

"Uh...yeah sorry."

"What is it??"

"The song I posted on YouTube a few weeks hit 1 million views."




"It's okay." I giggled.

"AMAZING YOU ARE SO AMAZING." He picked me up and hugged me. I love him. I won't even deny it.




I was so excited. I was planning on giving a little spiel to the girls in the dressing room before the show. I had always dreamed about doing this, because I've seen so many generations of the oldest cast members giving a speech, and I couldn't wait.

"Hey everyone. So since I'm turning 21 this year, this is the last year here," I felt a tear coming down my face. I laughed, "oh gosh, not already. It's opening night." I heard a few chuckles as I wiped the tear away. "You guys know I love you so much. You are all so extremely talented, and I can't wait to see how this show is going to go." I sniffed and laughed sadly, "I remember my first year, I was so freaking scared on opening night. I almost quit."

"Thank goodness you didn't!" A girl yelled out.

I laughed, "you all are adorable and I love you so m-" I was interrupted by a chanting sound coming from the guys dressing room. We all laughed as I continued, "I am coming back every year to see the shows until you all graduate. Gosh, I love you guys so much." I said as we went in for a group hug, a few people quietly crying. A few more people said some things, we cried and then laughed. We touched up our makeup and went out of the dressing room.


"Uh...hey guys!! I just wanted to say that I'm really proud of our entire cast. You guys all learned ballroom dancing even though no one wanted to..." I reminisced about that rehearsal. I shuddered, "anyways...all of you are going places. I can tell. Stick with theatre, it's the best thing that ever happened to me."

The guys laughed, "except for Niniiii." They taunted punching me.

"Jerks. Anyways, great job everyone. Keep doing what you love. And um...have fun!! On three. One. Two. Three." On three we yelled. It's a tradition. I have no idea why.



I watched in awe as I listened to my amazing best friend singing In My Own Little Corner from Cinderella. She sounded and looked amazing. She's absolutely perfect for this role. I love her. I won't even deny it.



How the heck is he so talented? That's what I was thinking when we sang Ten Minutes Ago to each other. I smiled as he sang, "In the arms of my love I'm flying..."


I love him so much.


The show ended up going so well. We obviously messed up a few times...not gonna mention when my heel broke when we were waltzing and I fell on my butt...but overall it was amazing. The cast was amazing, the sets were amazing, the costumes were amazing, the props were amazing, and OF COURSE, Matt was amazing.


We got our mics taken off and I ran to the dressing room to get changed. I wanted to see my family who had come down just for the show. When I got down to them, they were already talking to Matt. I smiled at the scene as I was about to run to hug them. I haven't seen my moms in months.

Just as I was about to run to them I felt a tug on my baby blue Hollister sweatshirt. I looked down to see a little girl and her mom.

"Hi!!" She said to me.

"Hello!!" I replied kneeling to her level.

Her mom smiled, "she's been watching your YouTube videos, and when she found out you were Cinderella she was so excited."

I gasped, and then said 'awww' clutching my hand over my heart. That is the cutest thing ever. The little girl said, "You are so pretty and so good at singing. I wanna be like you when I grow up."

I tried not to cry. She is adorable.

"Aww!! You are so cute!! What's your name?"

"I'm Ally!"

"It's so nice to meet you Ally!!"

"Cinderella, could I have your autograph please?"

"Of course you can!!" I smiled as she handed me her playbill and a pen.

"Thank you so much!!" She said giving me a hug.

"No problem." I smiled as she started walking away, "hey, Ally?"


"I think you're going to be a Princess one day."



She ran in for one last hug. "YAY!!"



I looked up to see Matt, still talking to my moms and I ran to him. I saw him smile as I approach. Tears in my eyes, but not from sadness. It was from all the feelings I was feeling. Pride after talking to Ally. Love for my moms and my best friend. Excitement from the great show. He picked me up and hugged me as we spun in a circle.

He put me down, and said, "You were amazing Nini!"

I blushed. "Your singing was beautiful."

And at that moment, my feelings for him may have been confirmed.

This whole time, I was unsure if I was just imagining things, or if I genuinely liked him.

And I think it's the second option.

a/n - it's literally been like 2 weeks. Sorry y'all!!! Since it's been so long we wrote a really long chapter. Hope you ENJOYED!!! More chapters coming soooooon.

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