Chapter 20 - Ricky Finds Out

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*Ricky POV*
I kissed her. It felt amazing.

I felt a rush of nostalgia and I was in utopia.

Lily? Who's Lily? I'm not thinking about her right now. I'm focused on the best girl in the world.

She pulled away. No, I thought we were making out? She's amazing. I wanted to be with her forever.

"What's wrong? I thought you missed me?" I said, genuinely sad.

"Ricky, I..."

Is she denying that she missed me? Doesn't she love me

I wanted to cry. And I don't cry that often. She's my life, she's my world.

She started breathing really fast and hard all of a sudden. Did I just make things harder for her? I wanted to comfort her, I know when she gets stressed, she has trouble breathing. Oh gosh.

"I-I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! I HAVE... a boyfriend." she blurted out.

It felt like time stopped. I felt so excited to finally meet her after three years and now she... she has a...

I wanted to ask her who he was. I wanted to ask her if he's handsome. I wanted to ask her if he cherishes her. I wanted to ask her about all of these. I needed to know if she loved him more than she loved me. Okay, Ricky, think. I obviously can't bombard her with all of these questions. Let's think about who she's been hanging out with- oh my gosh.

How could I have not realized this sooner? It's that Matt guy. I hate using the word "hate", but I HATE HIM.

I thought we were in love...

I can't tolerate anyone in this house right now, I can't even look Nini in the eye. This was the 2nd worst day of my life. First being the day my parents...I stomp out of the room once Gina unlocks it.

I want to walk far away. As far as I can. Where no one can find me.


My eyes wandered off to see Ricky storming out of the room. I saw Gina and the others and felt my face feel hot.

"Hey, Nini. It's okay-"

"It's okay? I can't believe you guys did this..." I wanted to scream at them but managed to control myself from exploding.

"Neen, we were just trying to help," Gina says.

"Well, our definitions of 'help' are beyond different, then."

"But... you looked so sad when you found out that Ricky was dating Lily... and they broke up so we thought that maybe... maybe you have a chance now...?"

I huffed. Is Gina out of her mind?

"You BOUGHT plane tickets and planned this entire thing just to get me and Ricky back together? Did you ever think about how I would feel? I even hurt Ricky's feelings because of this!" I took a deep breath. "You did all this for us? Gina, you did this for yourself. You wanted the satisfaction of Ricky and I getting back together. Well, guess what? He kissed me, so are you happy now?"

There was a long silence. I felt tears swelling in my eyes.

"I can't do this." I say as I run out of the door, crying. I hear Gina's voice trying to stop me. My feelings are messed up.

I want to call Matt. I need to call Matt.
"Hey! How's the trip?" He answered.

I waited a bit to try to control myself. "Matt...can you pick me up? Please?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Thank. Goodness.

"No problem."


I was watching TV until I felt my phone buzz. I took a look at it and smiled instantly.

Finally, a call from Nini. I missed her!

I answer her happily and ask, "hey! How's the trip?"

She didn't respond quickly. Eventually, she said, "Matt...can you pick me up? Please?" Oh no. Did something go wrong? Is she okay? I grab my keys and jump in the car.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there as soon as possible." I say. I hate hearing her cry.

It's only happened a few times but it causes me pain. I could literally feel my heart shatter.

"Thank you." She replied.

"No problem,"

She hung up. I entered the gps Nini's moms' address that she gave me a few months into when we became best friends. I wanted to get there faster, but there's this thing called a speed limit. Almost 11 (okay we're pretending it only takes 11 hours because it takes 33 and we don't got time for that) hours later I finally made it to her moms' house. It was 9:00pm.

a/n - matt is boyfriend material

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