Chapter: 14: Do we go home?

Start from the beginning

"Dad. . . What about Realm? Do we go home?" I asked.

"Realm is a distant planet but you can get there if you use the prism Ratchet installed."

"What about you?"

"I will be back, don't worry my sweet spark." My father said, kissing the top of my head before seeing him take off, with the seed in hand.

I looked back at the other bots, watching them look at my father who just left. "I guess it's time for me to go too."

"Where would you go?" Drifted asked, walking over to Bee.

"I'm going to my home. A place among the stars, it's called Realm. Its my moms home, and thats where my home is too." I told them, taking the prism out of my chest plate.

"There another planet out there like Cybertron?" I heard Hound say.

"Realm is different, but very much the same." I told them.

"I grant that all of you are the protectors of Earth now. I will be back one day." I said, seeing the prism light up in my hands. "Realm."

Teleporting through different galaxy's in space, I landed with a hard thud on a metal type surface. "Ouch!" Getting up I looked around, the view was amazing.

There was a castle in the distance, with fields of a metal type grass. I looked over to my left and saw a wall, it separated two sides. There where trees and a river that looked like energon flowed through it. "Umm, excuse me miss?" A voice called behind me.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there?" I said, watching him walk up to me.

"That's quite alright. The names Inferno." He told me.

"Sapphire," I said, walking along side him.

"What a lovely name. It's a name fit for royalty." He told me, as we walked up to a gate.

"Thanks, my mom named me."

"And who is your mom, I bet I've seen her around here?" He said, politely opening the gate allowing us to pass.

"My mom, her name is Shadow Blaze." I told him, looking up at the palace in the distance.

"You mean your the daughter of our queen! Oh, my what in the world are you doing out here!?" He asked stopping me in my tracks.

"I just got here from Earth?" I told him honestly.

"Earth, yes." He whispered, as we continued to walk again. "Who is your father? We have been missing a king for sometime."

"My dad, his name is Optimus Prime." I told him, as he stopped me once again.

"Your telling me your parents are the most highly looked upon cybertronians?!" He laughed, seeing that I was a little taken back. "That's a good one kid."

"I'm not lying! Take me to the palace see for yourself!" I sassed, seeing that he stopped talking and looked up at the palace.

"That place, oh yeah right! You have to be super looked upon to get in there." He told me, starting to walk the other way.

"Where are you going?!" I asked, following him.

"Trying to make myself not look like a fool! Unlike you kid."

"Would you stop calling me kid! I'm not a kid, I'm a young adult FYI!"

"Yeah right! I bet your still daddy's little sparkling."

"Ugh! Why are you being so rude?!" I yelled turning my back towards him.

"Hey sweet spark, I'm not the one who goes and lies." He smirked, making me run after him. I was pissed at him!

"I'm not lying!" I yelled, pinning him to the ground. I stared at him and watched him struggle.

"Got a strong grip for a femme." He tease, making me not pay attention and now have me pinned. I looked up and him and then the palace.

"Fine, if I can't show you all take you myself." I smirked, teleporting him and myself in to the royal throne room.

". . . .get off of me?!" I yelled, seeing that he was dazed by how we got there.

"How. . . But how did you do that!" He asked, quickly getting off of me.

"Thats a gift from being my daughter, I'd say." The voice of my mom sang as I got to my peds.

"Oh my majesty. What a great Honor it is to be in the present of you and your lovely daughter. I apologize in advance for my intrusion." Inferno quickly explained, making me look at him.

"It's quite alright Inferno." She told him, seeing relief wash over him.

"Sapphire, a word please. Guards please escort Inferno here to the gardens we will speak to him later." My mother told us, seeing the guards walk in and take him out.

Sapphire. . . Look at you!" She started, " you've grown so much! Your just like your father." My moms gushed, making me give her a hug.

"Mom. . . I missed you!" I cried.

"Shh, it okay I'm here now and I missed you to my sweet spark. "She said, cupping my face in her servo, gently whipping away tears of Energon.
"Now why are you here! Is your father okay? Is he here with you?"

"Mom, mom, mom. . . Dads okay, he will be arriving here later. . ." I quickly got cut off.

"Who will be arriving later?" The voice of my dad said, making me and my mom turn around. There in the door way stood my father. . .

"Optimus. . ." My mom cried, seeing her run up to him and he engulfed her in a hug. She cried in his shoulders as he just held her. Seeing them like that made me happy. "Don't leave me again! Please I couldn't bare to be alone."

"I will never leave you my sweet spark. Not anymore. I'm here to be with you and our family. Your king has come home." He whispered in her ear but loud enough for me to hear. I looked at them, seeing how they loved each other so much. My father looked happy in my optics, seeing that he didn't have to hide or be in fear for a different species.

"We are once again a family." My mother said, making a gap for me to run in and hug them.

"I love you both with all my spark!" I exclaimed, feeling loved. This was the way is should be. No more hiding who we truly are, no more having to lie and cheat. I appreciated all who have helped us along the way. But we are home, this is our home now. Three worlds collided into one at that moment as we're were finally free.

"This is home, our home." My father said, slightly breaking the hug. He looked at me and my mom in his optics.

"Home." I said.

"Our home." My mom stated, walking out along the balcony. We followed her, seeing that the sun was going down over the new land I have yet to explore.

"This is the new chapter in our lives." I commented, standing between my parents.

"Indeed it is." They both said. Our new world, home, chapter, and life started over in that moment. Our moment.

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