Chapter 11: We will rise.

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(A/N): Thank You so Much for getting the story to 1K. And for that here's another chapter! ^^^^ Sapphire's car is the photo.

Prime's Daughter chpt. 11

It was morning, I was sitting down on the ledge that I previously sat on when I was talking to my father. Even though it was morning, it was early. The sun was just bleeding through the horizon. I needed time to think after last night. Seeing those images of Autobots being put down for no apparent reason was hard enough.

I let out a hard sigh, feeling my spark cried for lost of our family. Was this what it's like. Is this how they felt during the war, feeling their brothers fall. I silently heard the others stir in the distance, knowing that we would be heading out soon.

Looking at the sky, I looked at the nearest star slowly fading as into day time. "What are you doing up here?" I heard a voice ask, startling me.

"Oh, I'm just star gazing." I said, not looking behind me yet. I heard footsteps walking over to me as I was in my human form. They sat down, looking up at the sky.

"I do that sometimes to." He said, making me look over at him. There sat a young man, a buff young man that had brown hair that was slicked back, wearing jeans with a green tee shirt that had the Autobot symbol on it. His eyes were hazel, and his face had a little stubble on it. He looked about 22, with a pair of sunglasses that were sitting on top of his head. "Are you staring at me?" He smirked making you look away.

"No, just. . . Crosshairs, your holoform its. . . "

"Handsome?" He answered. You looked at him up and down, he was quiet attractive.

"I. . . " I started hearing heavy peds in the distance walking out way.

"Scarlet?" My father questioned, seeing that he was turning in to an over protected father.


"Come with me. I will be talking with Crosshairs later, now go." He told me, as I transformed making my way over to Bee.

"Crosshairs is going to get a hold of Prime's wrath now." Bee told me, even though it was just beeps to the humans we understood him loud and clear.

"Why is that?" I asked, seeing Drift sharpening his swords.

"He was alone with you. Optimus said that, only I can be alone with you. He's a little cautions with the new arrivals and all. I mean you are a femme after all." He told me, making me cross my arms.

"Yeah so. . . ?"

"Let's just say that your the daughter of a Prime, which makes you a prime."

"So what your saying is I'm looked highly upon?" I questioned, seeing Bee's optics move to a angry looking Crosshairs.

"Something like that. Sapphire, your father just doesn't want you to get hurt."

"I'm old enough to take care of myself. I'm a Prime, it's in my spark." I told him, seeing him shake his head.

"Sapphire just listen to me." Bee started, seeing that hound was making his way over to us. "Optimus doesn't like it when . . . "

"What are you two doing over here?" Hound asked, looking between me and Bee.

"We're just discussing stuff, like what happened in Chicago." I lied.

"Well then, Optimus just wanted me to inform you that were heading out soon." He told us, giving us a solute while walking back over to Drift.

"I think I should head over as well. Yeah, I'll catch up with you later Bee." I told him, changing into Scarlet and walked over to the Cade.

"Tessa, let's go!" He yelled, breaking up her and Shane.

"Dad come on!" She wined.

"Now! Let's go. Optimus we can head out any time." Cade informed him. I walked down to see my father in his Alt mode.

"Let's go were heading out of here!" Hound said, transforming along with Drift. Crosshairs walked over to Bee patting him on the back before transforming as well. I watched them all, seeing them follow Optimus once the humans got in.

Sighing I transformed, slowly following them out. We were headed for KSI, which was pretty fair from Paris, Texas. Whiled driving I got a com link from my dad.

"Scar, I want you to stay back away from KSI when we get there." My father told me, seeing his truck four cars ahead of me.

"Why? I mean I want to bust them up too?" I said, knowing that he would obviously say no. It's worth a try right?

"Scar, I don't want to put you in danger. I made a promise to your mother that you would never get hurt. I tend to keep my promise."

"But. . . I'm getting older you know?"

"I know, and your turning into a fearless femme as your mom had been." He said, passing another town on the left.

"I just want to help." I whispered, feeling like I was worthless to the team.

"You will help soon enough my sweet spark, once you get the right combat training. With practice comes responsibility."

"Dad! I know, just stop with the lectures for right now please! How about we talk about a different subject?." I asked, before I had an interference with the com link.

"Paps, nothing you again." The one and only voice of Bee said.

"Just loves to give lectures doesn't he?" I questioned him as we got in to a highway, driving side by side.

"You know Prime, Mr. Wise Guy." He remarked. Seeing Crosshairs, drive in front of Drift.

"I just don't get it. He's changed a little since in last saw him."

"He's just got a lot on his mind. He worries about you. I mean when we all when into hiding he would go for days and I mean days with out talking. Prime just lost it." Bee told me, feeling my spark cringe at his words.

"He did?" I breathed, picturing him alone.

"Yeah. . . "

"Bee. . . I need to do something for him."

"Like what?" He asked, seeing the city in the distance.

"I'm going to make him and my mom reunite again. They've been apart way to long. I mean he's probably depressed for all we know." I explained.

"Yeah, maybe he wouldn't be so tense about everything." Bee commented.

"That's what we'll do." I told Bee as we pulled up close to KSI. Everyone was getting in their plan of action. I stayed behind since it was my orders. We are coming KSI, the Autobot's are here to claim what's theirs. I watched as people walked me, seeing Cade Yeager working on something. Once he finished it was a go time. Seeing him go in with Shane as Bee drive them around back. A few minutes later, we got a com-link from Bee saying Cade was in trouble.

"Scarlet stay here. I will com link you if anything goes wrong. Autobot's roll out!" My father said seeing raged in his eyes once he transformed. It was go time! The Autobots really felt like it was finally going to end. Will it? They stood out side the building as people stared. Soon the all jumped into the glass building. They were ready for a battle. And so was I.

Transformers: Prime's Daughter (Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora