Chapter 13: Unlocked

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(A/N): Just want to say sorry for the long wait! I kinda had writers block! Anyways thank you so much for 3K I can't believe it:) I love all my readers. Please feel free to comment or vote! I would love to hear your thoughts!:)

Wondering around after we landed the ship and finding Bee with the humans, I snuck back to a different area. Looking around I walked on the train tracks, not really paying attention to how far I wandered off. Getting farther away I lifted up my shirt to reveal the tracking device.

"Why won't you come off!" I yelled, clearly frustrated that it would not stop blinking. Ugh! Taking my hand I wiggled my way underneath it. The pain burned seeing my flesh was breaking to reveal the metal I was made out of underneath. The sound of squad cars filled my ears as I ran back off the tracks into the trees nearby to find KSI on our trail. This was my fault, it was all my fault.

Harold Attingers POV:

"Sir, we located her signal." One of my men said informing me about the girl's current location.

"Very well. Savoy gather a crew, all we need is the girl." I told him, walking towards the back entrance of the building. Seeing a black suburban in the distance, I walked over.

"Sir, we must be moving. Savoy has already left, he told me that you need to give him the signal to know if he can press the button." The driver said as I got in.

"Very well, tell Savoy within five miles of her current location." I told him, seeing him dive off. We placed the tracking of device there while she was sleeping. She was to unique to let go.

"Savoy do it now." I said, giving him the signal. Her location was just in our grasp. Arriving to her location, we saw that the Autobot ship has taken off already. "Team track down the ship also."

"Mr. Attinger sir, she is just beyond the tree line." One of my men said. We all exited out vehicles, walking up the hill into the trees nearby. Slowly walking up, I spotted her. She was out, breathing lightly. Her metallic skin, glowed making her symbols more vibrant.

"Welcome back, Scarlet." I whispered, signaling my men to carefully pick her up. I brushed away a piece of hair from her face. She was so special to us; she was the key to the whole thing. "Move out team."

Scarlet's POV:

What happened! All I remember was I was looking at the stupid tracking device and bam! I was out cold. Waking up I noticed I wasn't on the ship either. Oh no!

"What's going on! Where am I!" I screamed hoping that someone would hear my cry for help. I was strapped down to a metal table, there were people with masks on entering the room. "What are you doing?"

"Subject 2156 is awake now, very stable." One said, walking over with a see through tablet. I looked to my arm seeing them poke me with needles and confiscate my precious blood.

"No, stop!" I scream seeing them walk over lifting up my shirt to see the tracking device.

"Preparing for surgery." Another one wearing glasses said making me feel sick.

"The subjects metallic skin is underneath her flesh." One said, carefully cutting into my side.

"What's going on," I questioned, feeling something go over my face.

"It will all be over soon. Just go to sleep."Someone said, as I felt sleep take over me. Am I dying? Oh no!

Pain, there it was again. Flickering my eyes open, I noticed my side was patched up. They removed the tracking device but left a mark where it use to be. I was in a room, where every side was covered in a metal plating. Trying to get up I was strapped down. . . yet again. Seeing there was a screen in front of me it turn on.

Transformers: Prime's Daughter (Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora