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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

It doesn't take me long to familiarise myself with the patrons. It's easy to appear friendly if you smile wide, laugh at a lame joke here and there which I do find funny more often than not. Top it off by sliding around a contact, and you have practically a line of people just trying to use you and the people you know.

The sliding of a drink in front of me takes me out of my thoughts as I glance up, only to see the bartender gesturing to the water I'd ordered earlier. I send the woman a thankful smile, as I slowly sip at my water. I wouldn't mind getting something stronger but I'm a lightweight and I can't jeopardise my sole reason for being here just to please my tastebuds and get a little lightheaded.

It stays like this for a while as I over hear conversation between people, nothing giving me enough information as to where I might potentially find anyone. The only confirmation I get that I'm even in the right place to begin with is because of the rare sighting of people with the symbol of the club tattooed on the back of their hands. However, it seems that as soon as I catch sight of them, they vanish into thin air, submerging themselves against the crowd and not being seen again.

"No one catching your fancy?" A strong accented voice echoes to me.

I glance around me, trying to see if the person is talking to someone else or myself. My eyes make contact with the bartender across from me. Her grey eyes focused on me as she props herself up against the counter.

I take her in for a second, pursing my lips as I consider what to say to her. I can surmise pretty easily the woman is from some part of England. Her accent a dead giveaway. The woman is tall, quite tall and I can tell she's a hit with the customers. Pale ivory skin that lays unabashed against her flaming red hair, clearly dyed and styled in a short pixie cut. Decked with a tattoo sleeve and snake bites in her left eyebrow and a septum piercing to top it off. Her all black clothing making her blend in with the dark lights that flicker to the beat around us. A name tag sits on the right side of her chest.

"Not particularly." I say simply, not keen on giving too much away at this point.

"It's either that or you're trying to look for someone." She questions again which I try to play it off as uninterested until she puts her hand forward to shake.

"As you can tell my name is Florence."

Eyeing her hand for a few seconds, I hesitate not because I don't want to be nice but because I know she'll be expecting my name and I can't really trust anyone here. "Relax. I'm only working here because I'm trying to move into a new apartment. I don't have any affiliations with the people here, nor do I judge those who do." She inputs at the end for my sake I'm sure.

I let out a sigh, already knowing I've lost this battle because she could just as easily find out my name from one of the other people who work here. Like I said before, everyone knows everybody in this 'community.'

"I'm Rosa." I mutter as I shake her hand, watching her nod.

"So are you going to tell me who you're here for?"

"Not particularly." I quip as I turn slightly away from her, scanning the dance floor and dark booths scattering around it.

"I could help. If I get a hefty tip." Florence says with a wide grin. I snort at her attempt but then consider it.

I could definitely be vague about it.

Debating my options, I end up slipping my phone cover off and grabbing the money underneath it, sliding it over to the bartender as she appraises the cash with keen eyes.

Love & GambleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon