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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V 

"I would say I despise the idea but I'm going to be a horrible influence and say do it!" Fen says with glee, clasping her hands in front of her chest as I nod along. My idea is a risk, I do admit but it's a calculated one and the pro's certainly outweigh the cons.

Luca on the other hand doesn't seem to agree at all as he adamantly shakes his head, standing ground firmly as he watches Fen and I with a blank look. Standing between the two of us, the man takes a step back for good measurement while crossing his arms over his chest.

"I am not about to let you drag me around for your own amusement." Luca's deep voice greets my ears as he runs a hand through dark tresses before squaring off his shoulders.

Gosh, Luca acts so defensive as if I'm about to tackle him like a linebacker. All I'm asking him to do is a simple task although I do admit, other than the obvious benefit, I am eager to see my father riled up. It's the pettiness in me that I'll never let go of, not with my last dying breath.

"It's just dinner. Hell, it won't even be dinner because I know for a fact it'll all go to shit before we sit down at the table." I say with confidence.

I can't remember the last time my father invited me over for a so called dinner only to blow up in my face and have me storming out of the door. Of course now I don't fall for any of his lies and just reject him straight up.

This time, however, I have a plan that'll make this 'dinner' worthwhile for not only me but Luca as well.

I can tell that as much as Luca is adamantly opposed to the entire ordeal, there is a hint of intrigue running through his eyes as he ponders the possibility.

"Look. It's simple. There will be tonnes of people at my father's place. We slip in together, you can nose around and discreetly meet Leo without it looking shady. Then we meet my father, I say a few things to him and get some information out of him. The man won't even remember you. Even if he does, what will he do? Nothing. I'll even get you out of the system."
The system being the very same way I first saw Luca but thankfully that won't come to bite me in the ass all these years later.

My going away present to my father after my pother passed away was to embed a virus into his computer which wiped out all his important documents. The man had to practically start from scratch since he wasn't careful with backups and what not. He did have a few spare files lying around which I wasn't able to get to unfortunately, the same file which has Luca's name in it. In hindsight however, this might go in my favour. I could convince Luca to come with me so he can confirm that all the information is deleted permanently this time.

I won't let Luca know that I haven't met my father in a long time. My father practically simmering away in anger this whole time since he hasn't tried to contact me.

My father probably wants something from me which is why he's asking me to come see him. He never does invite me over for just for a nice visit. Also because he know's I'll just laugh in his face at the offer.

I can see the conundrum flickering over Luca's face as he reflects on what exactly to do. His dark brown eyes trail from an over excited Fen to an innocent looking me as I try to mask my mischievousness as much as possible. The narrowing of his eyes let's me know he's seen right through me causing my shit eating grin to grow even wider.

It's been a long time since I've felt like this. Otherwise I've been moping around and the only way people could tell I was still me was due to my mind numbing sarcasm not received too well unless you knew me.

"Fine. This better not go sideways. I've been trying to remain under your father's radar all this time but I also need to talk to Leo as well as delete what information your father has on me. Little or not." Luca says firmly to which I nod.

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