12(Lost all?)

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'Why are you whispering?' I asked also whispering.

'Because I want to tell you something no one else should hear'

'What's it about?' I asked.

' Its about you Kamara. I overheard my parents talking this morning'.


'Kammy's Pov

'About me'? I asked not getting it right.

'Yes , me also' he replied.

'Come on, they are trying to bind us together, they will obviously talk about us' I pointed out.

' look-

' Is that your favorite word? I mean you've said it more than 3 times in this conversation' I said making my way to sit on the kitchen island.

'Really Kammy, this is more serious than you think' he said , walking closer to me.

'Then explain to me how? And I've told you, it's Kamara to you. Because we are having a calm conversation doesn't mean we friends' I told him firmly.

Clearing his throat he replied.

'Yeah ....um ... I'm sorry'.

'So?' I urged.

'They've got this all planned' he told me.

'Obviously Dave, my dad owns a construction company and your dad plans on giving part of whatever he does to my dad for me in return, it's a win win situation'.
    'They have to plan how to make this marriage work. You aren't telling me what you actually want me to know'. I said in slight frustration.

'Think of this. Didn't you ever wonder why my parents would force me to marry you'? He asked.

'Because they have what to benefit from each other. I know this'

'No, you don't get it. Your dad says he needs help with his business right'? He asked again.

'Yes, where are you going with this'?

'Be calm. So if my dad helps your dad. You are like the 'price' right'?. I nodded in response.

'But now, aren't you wondering why they want you to get married to me? I mean, they aren't benefitting anything from the marriage. If anyone should benefit it would be me' he said.

'So what is the problem'? What are they planning? What does your dad even do for a living? I asked, I realized I didn't even know

'Something really bad, something that I don't want to be part of, something that could scar your life forever-

' Can you just get to the point' I urged in annoyance. 'At this point my life has already been scarred' I mumured quietly.

'You know what they call sex trafficking right'? He asked.

'When people are moved somewhere else for sexual exploitation, especially without their consent . Why?' I asked with raised brows.

'Now what my parents want to do isn't exactly trafficking because your dad is going to sign a contract for your marriage that you, are aware of. But we ain't getting married Kamara. My dad's going to use you for sexual exploitation' he said quietly.

I stayed silent. I stared absent mindedly at Dave saying absolutely nothing. I felt my heart pulling hard. My throat suddenly went dry as I swallowed hard.

'Did, uh , did you know your father does this'? I asked.

' Yes but-'

' 'No that's enough. There's not buts in this Dave. Why doesn't anyone help me when they can uh?' I asked in slight anger as my voice began to rise.

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