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Kate opened the door to her flat, mumbling softly at the aftermath of the fire. Ophelia closed the door behind them and walked after Kate who was staring at an open window. The former assassin stiffened, feeling someone behind them.

"Kate Bishop." Yelena said and Kate threw sauce at her which Yelena caught, Ophelia holding a gun to the blonde. "Hi! I made macaroni if you want some."

"You can cook?" Ophelia asked teasingly, slipping away her gun and Yelena smiled to her.

"Better than you can with your brownies." Yelena joked.

"I'm sorry. What?" Kate asked, staring between them.

"Well, I was starving and you two took forever. So I wanted to make food." Yelena shrugged.

"What do you want?" Kate questioned.

"Relax, Kate Bishop. I just want to talk, okay?" Yelena sighed, placing the mac and cheese down on a table. "Are you really not hungry? That fight was so long. It's really tasty. Really tasty. Unlike Phee's food."

"You can stop with the shaming, Lena." Ophelia scoffed. "You'll hurt my feelings and I'll have to cook to make it up to you."

"Please don't." Yelena grinned.

"I know what boxed mac and cheese tastes like." Kate stated. "I know it's... It's delicious. And I know of Ophelia's failed cooking, how do you-"

Yelena groaned, cutting her off, "Forks. Forks. No. You have one fork?"

"I'm one person." Kate said.

"That's so weird. Kate, this is not cutlery. This is not cutlery. How do you eat here?" Yelena asked Ophelia.

"We don't." She answered.

"I am not gonna just sit and have dinner with you after you and your friend tried to kill me and then broke into my house." Kate said and Yelena gaped at her.

"I did not try to kill you. A, I put you on a wire to remove an obstacle. And B, I did not break anything. I am way too talented than that. Also C, I don't know who that woman was. And D, stop being so defensive. Okay?" Yelena explained. "You're so hostile. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I don't have any weapons on me."

"Liar." Ophelia sang.

"Okay, I take that back. I don't have any weapons currently in my hands." Yelena corrected and Ophelia raised an eyebrow at her friend. "That's a lie also. Come on, take a fork. Eat. Eat. Please, my daddy says it's good for you."

Kate did nothing while Ophelia went to grab some form of a utensil from the kitchen and Yelena sighed, "You're probably thinking, 'What? This is crazy. I'm going to have dinner with the enemy? And she made some really good smelling macaroni. But in all honestly, if I wanted to kill you-"

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