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-"Kate, don't die

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"Kate, don't die."

Some of the Tracksuits' jumped onto the car and Kate reached out of her shattered window and punched one, knocking him off and Clint started to dive, the ones on the bonnet jumping off. Ophelia ducked down as they started to shoot at the car, the windows smashing.

"How many we got?" Clint asked as he drove away, vans following.

"Four!" Kate yelled back, holding up four fingers.

One van rammed into the back of the car and Ophelia jolted in her position. A moving van started driving ahead of them, the man inside yelling to get in front of them. The lorry door opened and they started to shoot at them.

"Hand on." Clint said, swerving to car around and other cars were made to skid to a stop before they could hit it. Kate grabbed Clint's arrows. "Wait, wait, wait. We're out of regular arrows."

"What do you mean, we're- Oh, my God, trick arrows?" Kate asked, shocked and excited.

"No fucking way! Really?" Ophelia exclaimed, grinning.

"Definitely not this one..." Clint trailed off, pulling an arrow from the holder.

"Don't say definitely like that." Kate said.

"Not this one." Clint decided, pulling another out. "This is too dangerous."

"This one fine?" Kate questioned. "I'm using this one."

"Hey, be carful." Clint ordered as Kate loaded up the arrow.

"I was born carful." Kate said and Ophelia scoffed.

"Yeah, and I'm Moses!" Ophelia remarked as Kate stuck her head out of the window. "Kate, don't die."

"They're not regular arrows." Clint reminded her.

"Eenie, meenie, miney..." Kate trailed off, aiming her arrow and deciding which van to hit. "Mo." She fired the arrow and a purple goo spilled from it, bubbling on the window shield.

"Play-Doh arrow?" Kate asked, bending to look at Clint.

"That looks fun to step on!" Ophelia laughed, watching as it grew larger, the Tracksuits unable to wipe it off.

"Hit their wheels with the putty arrow." Clint instructed.

"Oh. Great idea. I'll do that as soon as you label these damn things." Kate shot back, Clint not hearing her.

"Shit, don't swerve that quick." Ophelia called to Clint when he did and Kate looked as though she was gonna fall off the car so she reached forwards and held the archers waist in place, making sure she wouldn't fall.

"This would be a lot easier if we were facing-"

"It's be easier if we were facing the other way." Clint cut Kate off with the same idea.

Arrows | Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now