ʚɞ Nine - Sharing and Fighting ʚɞ

Start from the beginning

Tom thinks for a second, thinking about his wife and daughter, "Look, I get your poi-"

Just then, a harpoon shoots straight through the back of the truck and catches the dashboard, making Tom, Alex and Sonic yell out in fear. As Tom swerves to yank the harpoon lose, the drone car's winch is activated and it begins to start pulling Tom's truck slowly towards it.

"You know what? I was wrong about you," Sonic said to Tom, still angry at him. "You're not the Donut Lord at all! You're more like... the Jerk Lord!"

"Have you noticed the harpoon stuck in our dash?!" Tom snapped.

Tom slams on the gas pedal, which begins making the harpoon start to come loose. Tom slams the truck against a traffic barrier, knocking Sonic out of the truck and onto the windshield.

"Sonic!" Alex shouted, concern washing over her.

"I was forced from my home! Your home is perfect, and you're leaving it! Why would you do that?!" Sonic shouted, blue energy beginning to appear all over his body.

"Your body!" Alex said, pointing at Sonic.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, not again!" Sonic began to panic.

"Hey, hold on!" Tom said to the kids.

"Why?" Sonic and Alex asked.

"Because I'm gonna do this!" Tom slammed on the gas pedal again and the harpoon lets go of the dashboard. Sonic goes flying off the truck before he curls into a ball and runs into the drone car, releasing an electromagnetic pulse that knocks the drone car on its side.

"Dad, turn around!" Alex said, having watched the whole thing.

Tom hits the brakes and skids around, quickly heading back to destruction.

"Sonic!" Alex called out, spotting Sonic in his ball form. "Sonic!"

Sonic uncurls and gets up slowly, groaning. "Guess I had a bonus life." However, upon noticing the drone car on its side, the blue hedgehog smiled and ran up to it. Oh, yeah, baby! Sonic, one. Big tank, zero. I'm sorry. Did we get that on camera?"

"How are you not dead?" Tom asked, an amazed smile on his face.

"I have no idea!" Sonic replied, also smiling in amazement. "Do you see me dancing?"

"Yes, we saw you doing the floss," Alex sighed, realising Sonic must've seen her and Ashley doing it a few weeks ago.

"Is that all you got?!" Sonic shouted up at the car.

As if to answer his question, the car began making clanking and robot noises, as if transforming.

"Sonic! Get back in the truck!" Tom called out to the blue hedgehog.

"You go! I'll catch up!" Sonic replied.

As Tom begins to drive away, Sonic zips back to the truck and climbs in. Both Alex and Sonic look at what is going on behind them and notice a smaller car drone gets deployed from the damaged drone car.

"I think that tank just had a baby," Sonic said. 

In any other situation, Alex would've laughed, but she was too scared.

The smaller drone car prepares its weapon, a homing mine dispenser, and shoots them towards the truck.

"Incoming!" Alex and Sonic shout out simultaneously.

Tom swerves into another lane to avoid being caught in the explosion, and the homing mine heads straight for a minivan ahead of Tom, which gets shut off and stops with a spin.

Sonic climbs to the back of Tom's truck.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked.

"Just drive the car. I'll take care of this," Sonic announced. "And if I don't make it, just ditch me. You seem good at that."

Sonic jumps from the back of the truck and runs towards several more homing mines, throwing one at another while skating on two others. He finally approaches the smaller drone car with a homing mine in his hand and he peers right into the robot's camera and starts imitating a streamer. "Hey, everybody! Welcome back to my livestream! Today, we're destroying robots! Step one, errrap!" 

Sonic slams the homing mine down on the smaller drone car and the electromagnetic pulse sends it veering off course and crashing into hills while Sonic watches from inside Tom's truck. "Yes, we did it!"

But now, a new type of robot continued the pursuit. 

"We did not do it. Who is this guy?" Sonic asked.

"And how on Earth is he paying for all of this?" Alex asked before she began unbuckling her seatbelt. "I've got this one."

"Alex, wait," Tom replied. "Sonic, take the wheel. Just keep us going straight. I put it in cruise control."

"Ha-ha, I feel just like Vin Diesel!" Sonic smiled as he sat down in the diver's seat. "It's all about family, Tom."

Alex reaches for the baseball bat she'd put in the back of the front seat before making her way to the car door on her left. She opened it, feeling Tom hold onto her other arm to keep her from falling out of the truck.

The robot brandishes sharp spikes on both sides of the wheel as it begins to catch up with the truck. Alex swings the bat but the robot dodges.

"Quick suggestion," Sonic called out to Alex. "Roll up into a ball and smash it with your body."

"Whoa! Where'd you learn how to drive?" Alex asked, rubbing her shoulder after crashing into the side of the car when it swerved.

"Here, in this truck. It's happening as we speak!" Sonic answered, reading a book about the truck, which was causing him to swerve the truck up and down the lanes.

"I can't reach it! Bring it in closer!" Alex called out.

"What?" Sonic replied.

"Bring it in closer! Hit the brakes!" Tom ordered.

"Oh, you mean this one?" Sonic asked, stepping on the gas pedal instead. Alex went backwards, banging her face against the back of the open door.

"The other brakes!" Tom shouted.

Sonic steps on the brakes, making Alex fly forward and into the side of the car. The robot doesn't react in time and crashes into the door, giving Alex the opportunity she needs. She swings the bat upward, knocking the robot over.

"Got it!" Alex cheered, climbing back into the truck.

"You are so grounded when we get home," Tom sighed.

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