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Gulf came with the pills.

"Bright take this medicine regularly it will prevent you from nausea. Just make sure no one know about this okay. I will find a way to contact your boyfriend. " Gulf.

" Thank you so much p. " Bright hug him.

" Let's do this. If we didn't get to hold on your boyfriend.Then you run away from here Okay. " Gulf suggested.

Bright tighten his hug" Am sacred p"..

Gulf didn't say anything he just pat on bright back.

It's a day before bright marriage. Gulf went to meet with man and boss.

" Did you find him. " Gulf.

" No p.. We tried our best but.. Sorry p" Both of them give him a apologic look.

Gulf ran his hands through hair, " This won't work. Let's get ready for plan B. "

Marriage day..

Bright getting ready for marriage. Forth and beam came there ,seeing him in wedding suit they feel overwhelmed. Beam hugged him and kiss his head.

" You look so beautiful baby. " Beam said. Forth also did the same.

After they went Gulf came there. "Bright are you ready." Bright nod his head.

" Let's go. Man and boss wait at the backside parking no one is there. here change this dress wear this mask. Keep your heads down. Go as fast as you can. " Gulf handed him dress and mask.

Before he could change door opened suddenly and Mew entered. Bright and gulf gasped by his arival.

" Mew.. " slap. " What the hell are you doing gulf. " He yelled at gulf.

" Mew that.. " " SHUT UP" Mew makes him shut his mouth.

Bright came forward " I am the who asked his help" Mew rise his hands to slap but he stopped himself.

" How could you do this to us bright." He took a long breath to calm himself. "Leave it . Gulf you go out. I don't want you to any way near him.  GET OUT" He push him out.

Gulf went from there with helpless face.

" Your not going  anywhere. Don't let us down by your actions bright. Get ready its time for marriage. " Mew.

Fear grows on bright, he ask his brother with glistening eyes. He held Mew hands, " P please stop this marriage P. Am begging you. I won't be happy in this marriage p. Please p .. Please... " His pleadings are unheared by mew. When time come forth came to take bright to asile.

Bright give one last pleading look to his father and brother but both of them averted their eyes.

Forth saw his crying face, " Stop crying bright. It's for your good. " He wipe his tears. Held his hands to take him asile.

Fear makes his mind blank. He doesn't know when he arrived at stage . He feels ring on his hand. Then remotely he put ring on joss finger. Marriage was done. When joss kiss bright a lone tear come from his eyes. His life was done. His love his dream everthing is shattered. Bright lost everything . He just stay alive  only for his baby. He determined to save his baby. So good or bad he have to go with this marriage . He can't backof from this.

Still he wish see win at least once. He sees his friends who were there with sad face. He sees his P'Gulf who stand near his happy husband with a helpless and guilty look. Then he sees his dad and papa who are happy by this marriage. Finally he sees joss who have a smirk on his face like he won a trophy. "So he is husband now. He can't run away from him anymore." Bright thought in his mind.

When the ceremony ended couples took blessing from the elders. Bright only hug his papa and  Gulf.

" Take care of papa P' gulf. And yourself  too. " Bright try to talk but it's only come out as whisper.

Then he bend down and hug guitar he is going to miss him too much. He showered guitar faces with kisses and said " Bye champ. " He started to move with joss without give a glance to his dad or Mew. But forth stop him hug him. From his point of view he is doing best for his son. He is going to miss him too.

" Take care of him joss. " Forth said to joss.

Mew also hug him but bright don't return the hug Mew feels hurt but he doesn't show that. " Take care bright" Mew said.

Then bright grandmother came to the couple. She give a warning look to bright.

" From now onwards you care only about your husband take a good care of your husband and your in laws. I don't want to hear any Complaints comes from your in laws. Be a good husband and son in law to them. " His grandmother advises him in stern tone.

Joss held his hand take him to  the car. Bright hands are cold from fear. Both of them entered in car. Joss tells the driver to move away. That was a silent ride .

Car stops in front of the big mansion. Joss and bright get down from the car. Bright sees the mansion it's bigger than his mansion. There is a lot of guards who is guarding the house. The house, the guards, the atmosphere everything  gives him chills. Bright brain screams to run away from there. He feels if he once he entered here, there is no way to get out from this. Bright just stand there without taking a step. Joss notice that and gets irritated. He started to drag him.

" Welcome to your new house babe. It's a one way so never think about going back. " He said with smirk.

Joss  leaves his hand once they entered the house. He then goes and sit on the couch where his mother and sister sat . Bright just stand there not knowing what to do Or where to go. His minds thinks all worst cases. He startled by the sudden sound.

" Hey you" Elina said in high tone.

Maid comes to her  and asked, " You want anything mam".

" Not you idiot. Am calling him. " Elina points her fingers to bright " Why are you standing there idiot. " She moves his hands like come gesture.

Bright take baby steps and went near to couch.

" Haaah.. Will you take life time to walk . Just go and bring me water" She ordered at bright.

Bright stand there without saying anything. Joss sees that and got irritated again.

" Don't you hear what she say. Just go and bring water"  He uses the high tone. Bright flinches by that. He went  to maid  and ask for water. His hands are already sweaty by  fear. Now it's trembling too. It makes hard for him to held the tray. With much difficulty he take the water to them . But he drop the plate when he went near to them.

" You idiot. Can't you even hold water properly." Elina got up from couch.

" Elina leave him today. We will teach him everything from tomorrow. Let the boy rest for today. " Her mom said. Then she calls the maid and tell them to take him to Joss room.

When he entered the room it was dark and gloomy. Its only increase his fear. From the time he entered in the manson he feels this place is not safety for him.  But he can't do anything he have to adjust everyone and everything here. He saw the bed was decorated he feels tug in his heart. He don't want to go near to bed. He just went to the balcony to take some breath. The full moon cool breeze gives him some peace. But that doesn't last along it only makes him to remembers his night out with win. Tears started fall from his eyes. He flinches by sudden hug from back.

" What are doing here" Joss asks while biting his ear. Bright stiffness by his actions. He clenches his teeth and squeeze his eyes to control himself. He is helpless. Only thing he can do is cry that also with out sound. Joss forced him to turn and started to kiss him. Bright try to push him but earned  a hard slap as reward.

" You still think you can avoid me. I will show today who do you belong." He drag him to bed. Bright tried his every thing to stop Joss. But Joss didn't leave him. Finaly Joss forced himself on bright. Bright pleaded him to leave. Joss didn't care about anything he just did what he wanted to do from the first time He saw bright. Bright give up on fighting just keep his hands on his stomach to protect baby. He prays to gods to protect his baby for which he decided to live.

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