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Win's condo..

Win look at the bracelet Upteeth time  now.

" Is it look that good??. You are staring that for almost two hours" Fong.

" He made it by himself ... "

" What are you thinking win" Fong.

" Am I deserve his love"

" Why are talking like this win. You deserve happiness win. Stop blaming yourself for the past" Fong.

" Truth doesn't change Fong.. Am the reason for my mom's state. " Tears flows from wins eyes.

" What ever happened was not your mistake win. You did what is good for your mother. Anyone in your place should do that same thing. Don't blame yourself for things that we can't control" Fong.

" He love me so much Fong. What if I hurt him also. I am scared Fong. "

" You won't hurt him win. Trust yourself. Not only him you also fell hard for him. Did you know that. "

" I don't deserve him Fong.. If he hurt because of me in any way I can't forgive my self".

" Don't worry nothing will happen like that. When are you going to tell him about you"

" Not now .. Am not ready to that.. I want him Fong. He is my everything. "

" Don't take too much time. " Fong pat win shoulder.

At College...

Bright man and boss going to their classes. Bright phone rings. He answer the call in one ring.

"Hello" Bright said in low tone.

" So you learn to pickup phone in one ring" Other person in phone said. Bright didn't reply.

" Listen my sister going to join the University from today. Make sure she is safe . Do what ever she told you to do. "

" Your sister " Bright got shocked by the news.

" Didn't I made it clear. "

" K "

" Let's go for a family lunch  this weekend... "

" This weekend.. I have a... "

" Who ask your permission.. Your are coming that's it" With that call cut.

Bright got frustrated and sit on the bench..

" Who is on the phone" Boss.

" Joss"

" What he ordered you now" Man.

" His sister is joining from today"

" So" Man

" Have to take care of her"

" Are you care taker or something. What he think of himself. He thinks he can make you do what ever he want" Man.

" That's not a problem man.. What if she get to know about me and p' win. My life will end " Bright cover his face with hands.

" What are you going to do" Boss

" I don't know boss. Why these things happening to me.. Can't I live in peace"

" Tell everything to win"

" What!! No I won't tell him.. He will think am cheating him. No man please don't tell him"

" Bright are you crazy why will he think like that.. He will definitely understand you bright. " Man

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