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Naruto, Sasuke & Hinata had been travelling for hours on the end with regular whining from the blonde. It was way past dark when they decided to set up camp in a clearing. 

The trio were spread out around the fire they had lit. The night really made for a beautiful view if one took a look at it. The moonlight glittered across the waters of the lake which was right beside their camp. It seemed that the clear skies had also gifted them with stars tonight. It was almost as if the sky mimicked the water in that moment. 

"Man I'm beat," Naruto exclaimed, breaking the silence as usual.

Sasuke rolled his eyes while Hinata smiled at his antics.

"Here I packed some food for us," the ever gentle Hyuga said, handing both of them two boxes of food.

Sasuke's eyes softened at the sweet efforts of the girl. He knew for a fact that's just how she was. Doing things for everyone's benefit without expecting anything in return. That was what set her apart from Sakura in his eyes.

While he had no particular feud with Sakura, he couldn't help but see selfish intent behind every action of hers. Thinking about the pink-haired kunoichi put an immediate scowl on his face. Then his vision slowly focused on the girl of his dreams.

"Thank you... Hinata," Sasuke said before starting, while Naruto was almost halfway done  with his own food.

She blushed at his acknowledgement, uttering out a quiet "you're welcome..."

He bit into his food, his eyebrows rising at the taste. The girl could even cook, was there anything about her that wasn't absolutely perfect? Sasuke thought.

"This is so good..." he commented, making her blush again.

"I know right! Hinata's cooking is on the same level as Ichiraku's Ramen, I've had it once before on a mission, been a fan ever since..." Naruto said, beaming at Hinata.

Cue even redder cheeks on Hinata. It didn't matter whether she had a crush on Naruto or not, compliments always got her embarrassed.

Sasuke ofcourse took her reaction differently. He thought she still had feelings for his idiot best friend. If they really did like each other, Sasuke knew he'd never come in between them, but Hinata Hyuga made it really tempting for him to be selfish.

He'd ask her about it, he decided. 

He finally got his chance late at night when Naruto was fast asleep and Hinata and Sasuke lay awake.

"Hinata... may I ask you something personal?" Sasuke asked.

She turned to look at his calm face, staring up at the stars. She was enamored by him to say the least.

"Sure Sasuke kun..." she whispered.

"Do you still have feelings for Naruto?"

She gasped at his question, looking away from him. Her heartbeats got impossibly fast, thinking why the usually apathetic Uchiha would even bother being interested in her feelings for Naruto.

"No... actually, I...I realised it wasn't love that I felt, I just admired him for his undying optimism and fighting spirit. I admired how a person could be so kind even when the world has been so unkind to him. I spent so long chasing after him, but when I did catch up with him I realised soon enough that I wasn't in love with him. But I have a lot of respect for him nevertheless and I value his friendship a lot... but to answer your question Sasuke kun, ... no... I don't have feelings for Naruto kun anymore, all I pray for is his happiness with whoever he ends up with now..." she replied.

As the silence prevailed, she realised that that was probably the most she had ever spoken to Sasuke Uchiha.

As she looked back at him, a slight smile on his face took her by surprise. Finally he broke the silence with words that took her breath away.

"Good... I wasn't in the mood for competing with him again."

She gasped, he smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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