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Sasuke fought to keep his eyes off of the Hyuuga as the Sakura, Ino & Naruto kept creating the loudest possible chaos. Summoning all his courage, he thought what the hell.

"Hyuuga, how do you tolerate them?" He asked, keeping up his cool facade. 

His calm yet deep voice effectively managed to get everyone's attention even among their loud voices. It was just the kind of power Sasuke Uchiha held.

Hinata's eyes widened, hearing her name. Suddenly all eyes were on her, which she hated.

"Um... well they are really nice people... Sasuke-kun " She replied lamely.

"Yeah right," Sasuke huffed, while his insides were on fire. 

Hearing her say his name, sent shivers down his spine every time. 

Hinata blushed looking down, thankful when her former crush started yelling at Sasuke, effectively taking everyone's attention off her. Well everyone other than Sasuke. Not that she realised.

"What do you mean tolerate you Idiot!! fight with me now and I'll show you" Naruto yelled.

All the while, ignoring the screaming blonde, Sakura and Ino kept trying to ask him out. While Hinata stood awkwardly, waiting for this weird encounter to end, suddenly she felt the hair on her neck stand.

"Yo!" Kakashi had appeared inches behind her, making Hinata yelp and jump.

"Hokage Sama... " she bowed respectfully, while everyone else started throwing questions all at once.

"What do you want?"

"Why are you here?"

"What do you need?"

"Am I in trouble?"

That last one was Naruto ofcourse. 

The Jounin rolled his eyes at the disrespectful bunch and smiled at Hinata. 

"Hello Hinata-chan, hello idiots... I need Naruto, Sasuke, & Hinata for a mission..." He stated.

"Well we're off then, see you guys later!" Ino said, walking away from them.

"Wait... what about me?" Sakura asked.

"Oh you're needed in hospital now more than ever after the war, also this mission doesn't really need you so..." He replied with a shrug.

Sakura nodded a bit miffed that she wouldn't be able to be with Sasuke. 

As Sakura walked away, Naruto whined, "What mission? the war just ended Sensei."

"Well to be honest its not a mission per se... more like diplomatic visits to different nations to solidify the alliance even more," he explained.

"Why us?" Sasuke enquired.

"Seeing that Naruto is Mr. Popular now after the war, people trust him, seeing him will ease their minds . You on the other hand, still need to gain that trust after you went rogue. So you and him going around nations together will kill two birds with one stone. But ofcourse since I can't trust you two idiots to do the actual talking, Hinata will be the one to talk to the village leaders and take them through the contracts to maintain peace and friendship between nations... any questions?"

Surprisingly it was Hinata who asked a question, "Um... Rokudaime Sama, pardon me for asking but, wouldn't Shikamaru be a better choice for this... rather than me?"

Kakashi's eyes softened as he looked at the sweet byakugan princess. 

"I would've sent him but I really need him here to help me out with Hokage work and besides I've seen how patient you are with everything so you'd really be perfect for delicate matters such as this... also can you please just call me Kakashi, 'Rokudaime Sama' and 'Hokage Sama' makes me sound so old," Kakashi said, cringing slightly at the last part.

Hinata blushed at his words, nodding slightly to show her acceptance.

"Get the details and contracts from Shikamaru and leave tomorrow, well I'm off now!" with those last words, Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Annoying..." Sasuke grumbled under his breath while his heart did somersaults thinking about a mission with Hinata.

"Well its been a while since we've been on a mission together eh Hinata? since the one with Toneri..." Naruto pointed out while they started walking towards the Hokage office.

"mhmm... I hope this one goes easier than that one though..." Hinata replied.

That mission had been a turning point for her feelings for Naruto. It was during that mission when she had realized that what she had for Naruto wasn't love. Nevertheless she was happy being a friend to him now as he chased his feelings for Sakura.

As Naruto kept talking about everything under the sun, Hinata had trouble concentrating on his words as her shoulders kept bumping with Sasuke every once in a while as they walked. 

Unbeknownst to her, Sasuke kept stealing glances at her, his hands aching to just pull her into his arms. Would she mind if I did that? Sasuke thought.

As Naruto announced that they had reached the Hokage tower, Hinata and Sasuke broke from their temporary trance of each other and followed him in.

This was gonna be an interesting mission for sure.

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