Chapter 1 - The Escape

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I'm sitting in my cell, waiting for a guard to come in and give me my dinner. Today I shall escape this place. I know exactly what happens and when, today is the perfect day to put my plan into action since most of them are going this special mafia ball, since nobody has seen them in years and start to think they were dead. They decided to go, and I decided to leave their evil place. As the guard came in, I sped behind him and snapped his neck. Smirking as I heared a crack and his body fell to the floor with a thud. I then ran with all the speed I had out of my cell and upstairs, a bunch of guards tried to get to me or shoot me with this one liquid that weakens me. But they all missed and I was soon running out of the front door. As I was running I noticed a big bottle of gas and smirked. I picked up the whole thing, then used the speed su you could bearly see me and I was already gone to spill the whole thing all over the building. 

When I was outside I again, I let up a lighter I picked while running and lit the thing up. I then went and sat on one of the trees in the forest as I watched the whole mansion erupt into flames, making me satisfied. I now decided to leave so they wouldn't be able to catch me. I know who they are, they are the rivalery mafia with my fathers. My father is the don of the Italian mafia. I ran to the closest city, which is the city where my father and brothers live. It hasn't changed all that much. I soon came upon a clothing store and decided to steal something, since I don't have any money and I can't walk around wearing rags. I put on this: 

I also took some money

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I also took some money. I am now headed to the cafe I would always go to when I was a child. I came here once a week with all of my brothers to have 'sibling bonding time'. When I got there, everything was the same. But me, now I am not a happy child, but a dangerous teen. Then I had short and cute black hair and the family blue eyes, now I have long black hair that reaches to my knees and bright red eyes that have some black on the edges. When I got in all eyes turned to me, I just ignored it. I then headed to the table where I would always sit with my brothers. 

Everybody started whispering, since I had extra good hearing I heared things like 'She's in trouble. That's the King brothers table' and shit like that. But little do they know, I'm their sister and I'm back. I just ordered myself a glass of strawberry juice, like I always did when coming here. People were still staring and whispering, I know I look dead. And I am, well sort of like my heart is still and my blood is cold and I am pale. Then the door opened, and everything fell silent. I just continued staring out the window, knowing exactly who just entered and is walking to the table I am sitting at. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked behind me, to see all of my brothers standing there and smiled at them. Then my oldest brother, Alessio spoke "Who do you think you are sitting at this table? And in that seat?" I am sitting in the seat I always sat in when I was a kid. I looked at all the boys, and they changed so much. I couldn't help but smile. 

Last time I saw them they were just boys, my brothers are: Alessio-22, Damon-21, Rider-19, Xavier and Xander- 18 and the other twins Apollo and Ace-17. Then Damon crossed his arms over his chest and said "Did you hear him? Get out of here." I just chuckled and said "Why would I? This is my seat, Damon." They just stared at me and Apollo then smirked and said "But it isn't your name on their, there is someone else's name on there." I then looked at the back of the chair, where when I was young I put my name on it with magic markers and it says 'chair of Lily'. I then said "It does have my name on it. No need to be rude Apollo." Xavier then said "How do you know their names?! Who are you?!" They all sat down around me while I kept drinking my juice. I then said "Wow, I come back after 11 years and you ask who I am. I am truly hurt, brother."

They all just stared at me and then Xander said "Prove it, you have a birth mark. Where and in what shape?" I sighed and moved some of my hair so they could see the drop shaped birth mark behind my ear. They all gasped, then Ace pulled me out of the chair and they all squashed me in a big group hug. I giggled and whispered "I like all this, but I would like to breath." They all just chuckled, but soon let me go and they were all smiling. Then they must of noticed my eyes cause Rider asked "What happened to your eyes?" I sighed and said "I will explain later, come on let's go home." They nodded and we all left the cute little place, I then got into this limo tipe car and we all left. I learned their hobbies and how much they missed me. I didn't really tell them about what happened to me and everytime they would ask I would change the subject. I also know they noticed how much I hate talking about this time where I was 'missing'. I don't blame them for not finding me. 

Soon we came home and the younger twins burst the doors open making dad and a few guards run here to see if there was an attack happening. They sighed when they saw it was just my brothers, but didn't notice me since I was behind all of them. "What is up with you? Are you okay? Why are yall smiling?" He said looking at his sons, who were smiling like mad men. They just moved out the way where I was standing, I smiled at him and said "Hey dad. Miss me?" He just stood there staring and asked "Is it really you?" I rolled my eyes and said "Who else? Come on papa, you know it's me." He teared up at me calling him papa, since that is what I called him when I was little. He rushed over and gave me a hug, I quickly hugged him back suprised I didn't flinch at how fast he came over. I smiled, he slowly let go with his brows furrowed and said "Why are you so cold? And pale..." I just shrugged and said "I am not sure. I'm fine, I feel perfect." 

They all didn't look like they believed me. So I did a back flip landing perfectly then smiled at them and said "Ta da! Ok, do you believe that I am okay now?" They were suprised but nodded making me chuckle a little. They all smiled, making me a little creeped out. I then looked around, it is just how I remember it. I now remember it has also almost been a week since I had blood, shit. I need to go and hunt for an animal. But I don't want to tell them what I am yet, since I want them to have a little of the happiness of having their little innocent princess with them first. I then said "I'm going to walk around town a little, then come back. Bye!" I then ran in a sort of human speed out the door and from there I used my super speed to get into the forest. Let's see what is in here which is worthy of my time. I am really hungry.

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