Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I slowly walk up the stairs, towards Theo's bedroom. After that phone call, Lily and I talked about my fear with my siblings and with my mate. I shouldn't be living in this constant fear of who will I hurt or when I will hurt someone. I should live in the moment. I shouldn't let the fear of me losing control keep me from my siblings. I smile when I hear Theo and Levi melting. It makes my heart break, realizing the things I missed out in little Theo's life.

"Wolfie! Wolfie!" I hear Theo shout, causing my eyes to go wide. I race into the room, where I see a dark gray wolf doing the 'play with me' doggy pose with Theo. I rest my right shoulder against the door frame and clear my throat, making Levi growl.

"Calm down wolfie." I laugh, making Levi relax, "Why doesn't wolfie go get lunch for us and I'll play with Theo."

"Ruff." He says, trotting away from Theo, licking my leg, before running down the stairs. I walk into my brother's room and sit down next to him.

"How was your day?" I ask, as he looks scared at me, "Theo what's wrong?"

"You never play me." He says.

"Theo, I'm sorry baby." I say, picking him up and putting him on my lap, "Please don't be scared."

"I want wolfie." He mutters, "Now."

"Wolfie went to get lunch."

"I WANT WOLFIE!" He growls, slapping me in the face, and breaking out of my grasp. I watch him run away, as I hug my knees and cry. My phone buzzes and I see it's my mother,

"Hey honey how's The-"

"He hates me." I cry out, "Mom, why does everyone hate me?"

"Honey what's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." I cry out, hanging up. I look at my phone before standing up, crushing my phone and letting the broken phone pieces fall to the ground. I turn around and freeze when I see Levi, with Theo hiding behind his legs.

"Are you okay?"

"No, not anymore," I say, storming up to him, "You can forget the date tonight. You have someone more important." I look at Theo one last time, before storming out of the room. 

I stand by Jordyn's grave. My hands in fists at my sides. I was fine, then my brother got scared of me. Why do I have to be so so stupid. Believing exactly what Lily told me was a stupid mistake. I would always and I mean always spend hours just staring at the grave. I would get so tired that sometimes, I'd pass out. I smile, remembering one time that my parents were worried sick, but I was here... and it was Levi who found me. That's when I really, truly fell in love with my mate. Seeing him looked so worried, I thought something bad happened. He was caring and kind, making sure I wasn't or wouldn't get hurt.

I freeze when I feel something warm go around my arms. I turn and see Levi, who put a light jacket on me.

"I figured you'd be here." He whispers, "Ummm, I saw your phone broken. Kat, the Omega said you keep extra ones. Here."

"Thanks." I say, taking the phone from him, "Why did you even show up?"

"You've been out here for four hours." He whispers, "Your mother has been trying to call you... which is why your mother got scared."

"There back?" I asked.

"Yeah, your dad got a few speeding tickets on the way back." Levi says, laughing.

"Mom, probably forced him to speed." I laugh.

"You might want to go talk to your mom." He whispers, "She is worried sick for you."

#2 Lycan: Hybrid (process of being edited and published)Where stories live. Discover now