SS: Back at Tempest Part 5

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Rimuru POV

"So .. then , do you know what this is ?" I aked as I hold a spear in my hand 

I was met with silent , all three of them averted their gazes from me and Milim even whistles nervous just like the time she revealed Luminous's secret on Walpurgis. 

Bot of my daughters were kneeling facing their heads down to the ground not responding as they obviously were trying to think for an anser. 

I sighed after all I don't want to see them like this .. anyways "And you milim! You even helped them huh ? Behind my back I thought we are besties ?" I said

She flinched obviously and started trembling more but still keeping a low profile not telling anything 'just what did they gave her to keep her mouth shut ... Milim would normally just say it like nothing' 

"well .. guess we aren't besties at all .."

"Father that's cruel ! It was our ..." Chikako wanted to stop me knowing that Milim wouldn't be able to hold her mouth shut anymore. Really she is such a clever child haa... no wait I need to lecture them!

"no sweets from Tempest for you Milim!" I said completing my sentence

"Whaaattttt!? Rimuru that#s no fair no fair waaaaahhhh!" She began to cry on the spot 

Chikako and Kaiya were looking at each other troubled .. seems like it's slowly working they will feel terrible knowing they are the reason that Milim cried right now. 

"Father .. we lost stop it , please" Kaiya said 

"kuhaha of course you lost .. I weren't your father if you could win against me hahaha!" I said happy I then added "Good milim here I will give you some sweets but never help my daughetrs anymore making such a thing without me knowing it" I said serious and Ciel released a bit of my aura.

"..Yes bestie! Thank you-nanoda!" she said and began to eat the snacks 

"So then to you two" I said looking at Chikako and Kaiya and both were looking depressed "I know that you guys want to fight and have your own weapons. But what would have happened if you were in danger ? Mom would be worried and rampage you know that ? Even I would be worried about you"  I said 

Then suddenly both jumped at me hugging me and began to cry 

"We are sorry dad"

"we are sorry father"

Hehe .. I educated my children good haven't I ? It's always good to show true regret after you did something your parents don't want to .. not to mention without my knowledge. I am sure Ciel would have told me if there would really be a reason to worry but still's about the principle.

"Hai Hai , just ask me for something like that in the future" I said patting their heads .. they sure grow fast 

"Dear! We can eat now!" Luminous's voice echoed through the house into the garden we are at the moment 

"Let us eat something from mom's cooking shall we ?" I said smiling 

"Yes dad" 

And just like this the time  comes and goes , my two cute little daughters stopped aging after their 18th birthday and we lived a normal live in Tempest. Chikako and Kaiya were someday known as the Princesses of Tempest.

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