An important Day

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After a few days of hard work the Mansion was really great , everyone liked it the Goddess Hestia suprisingly did a great job on her task. The only Problem was the little House in the garden where the smithy will be .. it was empty more over they don't have a smith. 

Rimuru:'Maybe I should take advantage of the Alliance already' he thought as he looked at the building

At the same moment at the office of the Goddess Hephaestus 

Tsubaki: knocked on the door and enters the room "Goddess sorry for my instruction"

Hephaestus:"What is it Tsubaki ?" she was looking at a few papers

Tsubaki:"A few of our Smiths are saying that the prices for minerals are skyrocking .. a few of them don't want to buy them and when the price for the Weapon or Armor would be much mor expensive then it's already only healthy Adventurers or Familia's can afford to buy stuff from us. I am worried that we can make red numbers this month so i would ask for permission to.."

Hephaestus:" go and hunt monsters down in the Dungeon is it that you want to ask?"

Tsubaki: lowered his head "That's right Goddess" 

Hephaestus:"As Captain of my Familia i thought you would know that i despite to risk the lives of my Familia members in the dungeon .. that's one of the resons why we are a Familia that doesn't rely on income from the Dungeon"

Tsubaki:"I know but something is weird about the prices we can't do anything against it" 

Hephaestus:"Is the income from repairing Weapons and Armors not enough for now?"

Tsubaki:"It won't be enough for the next months"

Hephaestus: sigh "What would he do in this situation?" she looked away at the wall where her best sword she maid is placed 

Tsubaki: was confused "Who do you mean Goddess?" 

Hephaestus: "Hestia Familia" she answered short

Tsubaki:"This little Familia ? What could they even do" he looked at her

Hephaestus:"Hahahah haha , did you say little Familia? Well i didn't tell you guys yet but i've made a deal with the Captain of the Hestia Familia"

Tsubaki:"What was that Deal?"

Hephaestus:"He let me take a look at his sword , and we would help him and he us when we request it"

Tsubaki:'What kind of sword must it be to awake her interesst in it?' his thoughts were really shown on his face 

Hephaestus:"You could say we have an Alliance , but since it didn't really happened yet i kept silence about it and the sword could cut mine .. when you are thinking something like that"

Tsubaki:"So should we call for they help in this matter" 

Hephaestus : "We should.." she wanted to answer but then her face turned to the door and she shigted "I think that won't be needed anymore" 

Tsubaki: turned around and saw a girl (?) like Human with blue hair and a mask on her face "Who are you" he got in a fighting stance.

Rimuru: looked at the Dwarf 'Hooo seems to be a level 5 adventurer / Smith' 

Ciel:/That's right master he is the Captain of ../

Rimuru:/That's enough Ciel thank you for the information/


Rimuru:'ahh shit she will be mad at me for a few hours.. what ever' he closed the door behind him "I am Rimuru Tempest the Captain of the Hestia Familia" he bowed a little

Tsubaki: left his stance and looked at her / him 'I didn't even sence the presence of that Human she must be really dangerous'

Hephaestus:"Rimuru good that you are here" she smiled a little 

Rimuru:"Ah Goddess Hephaestus I am sorry for introuding your talk with the Captain" he sincerly apologized

Hephaestus:"ah that's alright what are you doing here?" she was a bit interessted

Rimuru: smiled behind his mask "kufufu i wanted to put our shouldi say Alliance on a new level"

Hephaestus:"What are you meaning by that?" she sat down on her chair 

Rimuru:"You see our Familia got a really nice Home with many rooms but our smithy is empty" 

Tsubaki:"So you want someone from our Familia?" he asked curiously 

Rimuru: ignored him "How many Familia members do you have Hepheastus?"

Hepheastus:'Why is he asking this ? no he could not want to do that?' she thought and looked now mor interested at his direction "Currently we have 29 Smiths and 20 of them are level 3 or higher , but say Rimuru what do you want to do?"

Rimuru:"Don't worry i don't want to transfer everyone to my Familia , My Idea was that you could move all your members to our Familia House .. i will give you some books about a great forging methode that i know , you of course can have your shops in Babel and so on you just'll have your main base not here but at our Familia ground."

Hepheastus: thought about it "Rimuru .. by all means i know you are really clever but that are way too many wins for me. What are you intending to do?"

Rimuru:"Mhh .. what should i say" he looked at her "you aren't trusting me with this?"

Hepheastus:"Well.. as i said you are to clever too do something like that. I can't see whats a win situation for you when we do this and that's exactly why i am worried about it"

Rimuru:"Okay listen Hepheastus i know you are a goddess but i am sure you can learn from me some stuff about forging you asked what would be good for me ? We will creat a Alliance Embleme this will be from this point onwards the 2nd emblem on your crafts beside you Familia Crest. Besides that i can influence with the production when a Familia has angered me."

Hepheastus:"I see" she looked at Tsubaki "What is your opinion on that?"

Tsubaki:"Hmm.. a knew forging methode you say ? We also can save money without our Familia House. But Captain Rimuru please allow me to ask you for a favor"

Rimuru:"Let's hear what it is first" he sat down 

Tsubaki:"There is some problemes with the supplies of the minerals of the dungeon we don't know what the cause is but we would like to get things back to normal"

Rimuru:"Ah so that was the problem you talked about earlier I see.. When you accept my offer to make our deal to an Offical Alliance"

Hepheastus:"Rimuru .. just who are you" she giggls "I don't know anyone who would dare to say something like that" 

Rimuru:"Mhh .. i would like it if we take this Thema for another day to discuss"

Hepheastus:"I see .. you will stay the mysterious boy with the mask huh? I will accept the Offer after all Hestia and i are friends"

Rimuru: stands up "I see then i will gladly accept our new relationship between our two Familias" he puts down his mask , for the first time they saw a beatiful face that even can rival Freya .. with golden eyes that can see through everything.

Hepheastus: was shocked "Rimuru i thought you were a boy!!" she said shocked 

Rimuru:"I am a boy after all" he said calmly 

Tsubaki:"EHHH i thought you were a girl" he said shocked

Rimuru:"Argh.. you two" sigh "I will leave for today we will see us tomorrow.

Chloe:"Senpai gave me a special task" she was on her way to the Loki Familia "ME A SPECIAL TASk .. i can't afford to do it bad .. i need to be 100 percent on point for this mission." she looked serious. 


(A.N. : As you can see dear readers .. this Fanfic won't be after the story after the Lightnovel .. Bell will has his adventure's . If you have prblems with that I am sorry but i don't want to go too much after the normal story. Hope you had fun reading sorry for the grammar.)

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