TFC • Sunshine

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Continuing HermittpadRecap spring prompts challenge! The seventh and final prompt is sunshine. I do apologise for any spelling/grammar mistakes.
Tw: slight angst
Wc: About 807 words

The sound of a pickaxe mining echoed around the tunnel TFC was in. Well, it was pretty much the only sound there was apart from the sounds of footsteps that came from whenever TFC moved and the occasional sound of a mob that most likely came from a nearby cave.

Finishing mining the last block from a vein, TFC put his pickaxe down and wiped his forehead. He took a deep breath, leaning against the stone wall.

He'd been mining for some days now and he couldn't deny he was starting to miss the world above the ground... and the Hermits themselves.

Perhaps... just maybe, it was time to go upstairs and out into the world outside.

As much as TFC loved mining and the peace that came from it, there were some occasions where he simply wanted to go outside and see the sunshine, possibly see/visit a couple of Hermits while he was at it.

And this was one of the days... so perhaps that was a sign that was what he should do.

Deciding he wanted to go outside and see the sunshine, he grabbed his pickaxe and started to make his way back up. He dropped some supplies off, placing them in some chests that were near the entrance. Feeling far lighter, TFC continued the path and took the last couple of steps till he reached outside.

It took a couple of minutes for his eyes to adjust to the sun's brightness (was it always this bright? It seemed exceptionally bright today either way...) but soon that cleared off, his eyes adjusting.

A soft smile came to TFC's face. It was only dawn, yet the sun was already quite bright. The soothing tunes of some birds could be heard, along with the occasional sound of the cicadas that soon would go back to sleep in their own little corner.

The sky was almost crystal clear, with only the occasional cloud seen as they softly blended into the sky. Shades of purple and blue filled the sky, and the sun's own colour was a vivid shade of yellow, red and orange.

Sitting down on the ground, TFC gazed at the sky, pleasantly lost in the scenery in front of him. He was happy, elated that he had come outside.

The sun's rays shone on him, casting a soft glow. He glanced at the sun, enchanted by it and the sunshine. He didn't look long, only momentarily.

There were some things that simply weren't meant to be looked at for long periods of time. They were too pretty for the eyes to gaze at; they were simply meant to be enjoyed by their pure existence and the occasional glimpse.

TFC moved his arms and stretched himself, before getting up.

Wanting to see some of the Hermits, he made his way to the server's main area. He figured that would be the best place to start with.

He hoped that the Hermits would still be around. That was one of his fears... that he would be left alone and they would move on. He knew that they wouldn't forget him like that... or so he hoped they wouldn't, but he still couldn't help but fear that they would.

He didn't have to walk too long because soon enough, TFC spotted Hermitcraft's admin - Xisuma. He waved to Xisuma, a smile on his face at finding/seeing someone. They were still around!

Spotting TFC, an equally happy smile spread on Xisuma's face and he waved back in response. He also quickly headed towards him.

Before TFC could say or do anything, he was brought into a tight hug. "It's good to see! I've been thinking of visiting you," Xisuma chirped, once he pulled back. "How have you been?"

"Likewise! Well... mining," TFC replied, a twinkle sparkled in his eyes.

Xisuma chuckled and fondly shook his head.

"So what have I missed?" He asked, hints of curiosity were laced in his voice.

"Chaos..." Xisuma softly sighed. TFC couldn't help but laugh at the admin's response. It was unsurprisingly really... he should've known.

"Although," Xisuma continued, the corner of his lips turning into a smile. "There have been some interesting builds that have popped up. Oh! I can give you a tour!" There was a pause before Xisuma quickly continued. "If you want, of course."

"I'd like that," TFC nodded and truthfully, he did.

"Great! We'll start this way!" Gesturing to follow him, Xisuma started on the path to give TFC a tour of everything that had happened, which actually wasn't as much as one would think.

It had been a good idea after all to go outside and see the sunshine (and see the Hermits). TFC was happy he'd followed that idea, it was nice to see the outside once again and find that he hadn't been forgotten either.


Author note:
And that would be the end of the spring prompts challenge! Thank you to the HermittpadRecap for setting up this event! If I'm completely honest it was a lot more difficult than I thought to not just give up half-way through, but I guess miracles do happen sometimes lol. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have an amazing day! <3
May you fly over the rainbow and find peace! Thanks for reading!

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