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okay first of thank you so so much for 1k reads u what?! u guys are amazing and if i could i would give u all a massive hug!! anyway the reason as to why i haven't managed to update in nearly a month is due to the fact that my computers broken and i really cannot be bothered to write on my phone:// anyway this chapter is a lead on from the last one so if you want a full understandment then go back and read chapter eleven and yeah but it's absoloutley fine if you pick not too! anyway thank you alot and yeah here's chapter tweleve:)

"Yeah exactly and he showed up at my house like legit at my house and was all up in my grill you know" I said laughing at the last part. "No no i'm kidding he wasn't all up in my grill he was being himself, but what really pissed me off was the fact that Ellie was the one that told him where i live and for some odd reason she is really against mine and Pel's relationship like i just don't understand her no more" I sighed whilst finishing what i wanted to say to Liv.

"Well there's so much shit going on back down in Essex aye?" She said.

"Yeah you don't even know, and you know the worst part? When i was at nandos with Kane yeah he asked me to go! Anyway back to the point Pel came in and saw us and yo i was like scared for life i didn't know what was gonna happen but luckily it got resolved pretty quick but i feel like Kane now know's to keep his distance, well i bloody hope so!" I said.

"Are you serious? But do you not think that maybe just maybe El has anything to do with this, like i know it sounds stupid as shit but come on? You get what i'm trying to say" She said. For a moment i would've thought that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life but when i think about it, it starts to make more sense/

"But why?"

"Jess, like I said it's just a thought especially after you said she seems to have a problem with the fact you and Perri are together? Like I could obviously be wrong i'm just saying!" She said.

"Hmm it sort of makes sense like i fully get what you're saying I just wouldn't understand why?"

"Yeah like i said it's just a thought but right i have to go! I'll try and call you soon and make sure to tell me if anything else happens yeah?!!" She said.

"Of course i'll speak to you soon bye babe" I said and heard a say a small 'Bye' before she hung up.

After I had finished my conversation with Liv i plugged my phone into the charger and made my way to the kitchen and the fact that maybe Ellie did indeed try and set me up with Kane, it's just the fact as to why she'd do so there's no point in her being jealous of me and Perri as she has a boyfriend that'd be stupid and dishonouring.

But never the less I may aswell just forget about it because it's over and done with! Me and Perri are absoloutley fine as we had sorted it out so i shouldn't worry yet the fact that what Liv said may be true didn't leave my mind.

After I got some food i settled down and started watching American Horror Story because who just doesn't love American Horror Story?

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