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authors note // okay so like basically I'm just gonna skip a couple months ahead so I don't bore you all to death lmao, so basically it'll be three months later so jess and perri will have known eachother for about five/six months now.


three months later-

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was getting ready to go on a date with Perri. Like it's actually a official date you know, because like we do go out quite often together but that's normally not even planned it just sort of happens, however this time Perri had told me that we'd be going out yet he won't tell me where and if you don't already know I kind of hate surprises.

For the past hour I have been having a dilemma as to what I was going to wear. because I don't exactly want to go full out but at the same time I don't want to go too casual and I'm finding it very hard to find the correct outfit.

After a while I had absolutely given up and ended up texting milly to come over and help me, I mean normally when it comes to picking out an outfit the correct person would be Ellie but for some odd reason she's not too keen on the whole 'Jessica and Perri' thing. Not like there is because we're just friends which met at a supermarket and are now going on a date together and it's stressing me out as too what I'll wear even though normally on a day-to-day basis I wouldn't particularly give a shit as to what I wear around him.

After about ten minutes milly comes jumping around my apartment in a very giddy and happy mood and before you knew it she was shouting "okay so oh my bloody god we're picking out a outfit for your first date!!! oh my god do you think he'll like ask you to be his girlfriend I mean you two are like proper cute and close!"

"Mill what the fuck it's just a normal friendly date and I just need your help to pick what I'll wear and why on earth would he want to ask me out are you stupid" I said rolling my eyes at her stupidity.

"Right whatever but if it happens be prepared for me to tell you that I told you so" she said doing this proper weird thing with her eyebrows. I just went by rolling my eyes at her again. I then grabbed her arm and pushed her towards my wardrobe to help me with what Id be wearing.

By the end we had finally managed to pick out something for me to wear. Which luckily wasn't too much or too causal.

I had decided to wear a black tennis skirt with a white blouse and some black platform boots and some jewerelly to make it look a little more casual. wow I'm trying to hard for this. I had left my hair straight and did my make up light and neutral.

It had just turned six and perri was picking me up in half an hour.

"Okay I'm like gonna go but swear down he asks you out I think I'll scream you better bloody tell me how it goes yeah!!" she screamed once again hugging me.

"Alright mill, you need to calm down because like none of that is gonna happen, like I said before it's just a date" I said calmly.

"Just a date, right okay whatever just a date" she said mocking what I had said to her. She gave me a quick hug before walking off to her car and before entering she shouted "CALL ME STRAIGHT AFTER" and before I could reply she was driving off in her newly washed car whilst I stood and laughed at how stupid she can be at times.

I entered back into my flat and sat down on the couch and took my phone out going on all possible social medias to waste time.

Me and Perri spending time with eachother have never really been noticed even though it's been like six months I mean there are a lot of perks to no one in the fandom of even knowing my existence. because for one I won't have random people commenting on my pictures which I find pretty freaky and also I wouldn't be getting any hate for being friends with Perri which I also find a bit stupid because like okay cool you don't like me I don't like you but there's no need in sharing it by saying rude stuff or for hating me because I'm friends with Perri and you're not, but its a free country do whatever you want I don't particularly give a shit. But don't get me wrong there are also a lot of nice fans.

Before I knew it, it had turned 6:30pm and Perri was knocking on my apartment door. I quickly jumped off from the couch and rushed to open the door really quickly, I then gave perri a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

"You look very nice" he said smiling.

"Thank you, you're also looking very nice yourself" I said grabbing my phone and heading with perri towards his car. "so are you planning on telling me where you're taking me"

"Well looks like you're going to have to wait and see aye" he replies whilst adjusting his glasses.

On the way to where we were going, we were sat in silence with the music playing lightly in the background. But the silence wasn't awkward it was actually a very nice and comforting silence.

I could sit like this any day with Perri reminiscing through life and it'd feel just as comfortable as when we'd normally talk and that's one of the main things I loved about him because we didn't need to speak to feel eachothers presence.

After a while we had finally arrived and it was a cute Italian restaurant. Once we entered Perri had obviously reserved the table already because he told the women his name and she led us towards the table, which was just in the corner near the back of the restaurant. just the exact spot that Id have loved to pick.

Once we settled into our seats. I quickly scanned through the menu however I had instantly knew what I was going to order anyway and by all rights it was PIZZA.

I put the menu back and perri glanced and said "let me guess you're getting pizza right?"

"Couldn't of guessed any better" I replied which caused him to let out a smile laugh.

Throughout our dinner we had ate our pizza and just had the most abnormal conversations ever.

Once we were finished, we exited and I looked at perri confused, "we going anywhere else?"

"Indeed" he said. I actually wasn't expecting for him to take me anywhere else but I don't mind.

"Where?" I asked after a while this time actually hoping he'd tell me where we were going.

"To your favourite place" he exclaimed. he was now giving me a piggyback to wherever we where going but then it clicked and I quickly shouted "THE LAKE" which caused him to laugh but not give a reply.

After about another ten minutes of walking well actually perri walking and him carrying me on his back but anyway we had finally got to the lake and we sat down till I decided to face him and say "thank you for today"

"It's fine really but I have a question" he said smiling not looking at me just smiling looking straight infront of him.

"Yes?" I replied but it sounded more as a question. I was wondering and thinking very hard as to what his question may be. There was a little silence he turned too look at me and say "so like I don't really know how to say this because I haven't done this for a while but erm would you maybe want to like I don't know be my girlfriend?" he ruffled his hair and started looking around just waiting upon an answer from me however for a minute I was very confused because why the hell would he even ask me that question and why would he want me as a girlfriend but then reality had hit me that I had not replied to his question and I was just sort of staring at him saying nothing but then I slowly replied sarcastically "erm I don't know maybe I will be your girlfriend"

He laughed a little and then turned back around to look at me "Wait so is that a yes?"

"YES" I shouted before wrapping my arms around his neck not in a deadly headlock kind of way in a gentle way.

But as if on cue it started pouring it down however instead of running away from the rain we started dancing in it and at that moment nothing mattered to me more. 

supermarket // perri kielyWhere stories live. Discover now