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Just a friendly reminder if it's your first day at your new job do not be a screw up like me which only had about four hours of sleep and be running around your apartment at 6am trying to find a shoe.

So I had finally found my shoe and was legit running to my job but once I got down my street I was already done because as you may or may not know im a fairly lazy person and don't run however this was an emergency because I need this job even though working at tesco is really not my life goal but as long as I earn money to keep my apartment I should be fine unless I get sacked on my first day which is very likely for me because I'm a idiot that ruins everything.

But soon I'm down the road that my new amazing job is which I am so amazingly excited about!

Lol I'm joking.

I walk into the store to meet the manager, luckily even managed to get five minutes before im meant to come, he lectures me about everything that im meant to do and it turned out that I'm going to be working at the till which I don't really mind.

I settle into the seat and take my phone out as it's not that busy baring in mind it's only just turned 7am however another option I would also love to do is go to sleep right now but I can't do that because if I did there's a 99.9% possibility Id get sacked and that's not happening.

About half an hour later after serving only about six people this lad with an afro comes by with just a large drink and some chewing gum, fairly tall and tanned skin and really skinny I tilt my head to take into realisation as too how skinny his legs are and also realised we both had the same shoes I hadn't managed to look at his face yet as he was looking down but also his hair was in the way.

I scanned his items and told him the total he handed me a five pound note and that's when he finally looked up and he looked fairly familiar he gave me a cute smile, I was too mesmerised by looking at his face that I forgot to give him his change back, once I finally gave him the change he did this little wave before running off.

Once he turned the corner it then hit me that it was perri kiely how stupid of me to not realise straight away but I have to say one thing puberty hit him like a fucking truck you know!

The rest of the day went fine and I managed not to mess up luckily, but I don't know how I'm going to manage to do that every single day apart from Tuesday's and Wednesday's but I'm guessing it's better to spend the day earning money instead of sitting at home all day doing absolutely nothing or going out on a Sunday and getting absolutely smashed even though I don't complain because I do enjoy doing that too but I don't earn any money from that I just loose money from it.

But anyway I grabbed my stuff and exited the store making my way down the street I walked past Costa but walked backwards again to enter and get myself a hot chocolate as I was really feeling like a hot chocolate, once I got my order I stood there for a while debating whether to stay in and drink it or to slowly make my way back to my apartment drinking it, after I while I chose the last option.

I was walking home phone in one hand my hot chocolate in the other, walking fairly slowly.

Then me obviously being the clumsy person I am walked straight into someone and that someone was perri kiely that I had once again embarrassed myself infront of, however luckily I did not spill my hot chocolate over him or me or my phone so that's a good sign.

"Shit I'm actually so sorry" i say backing a while a couple steps.

"Haha it's cool! are you okay" he asked.

"Yeah I'm okay are you?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks I have to get going see you soon!" he said waving before running off quickly back into the building which went by the name 'Danceworks.'

I stood there for a while just thinking of how stupid I was.

Another friendly reminder my loves don't go off four hours of sleep looking like shit and embarrassing yourself because there's a possibility you could meet someone really hot and you don't want to blow it like I did.


hi lol okay so I'm trying to write a story and IVE tried to write one before but I just ended up deleting them so no promises that this won't get deleted as it might but it might not, I hope you will understand the whole story line or whatever and I hope you'll enjoy it:)

I made a new account on here bc keeping my identity away lol have fun reading this but it's probably really shit okay bye sorry.

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