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It has been exactly three weeks since me and Perri had gotten together as a couple and I couldn't be any happier however Ellie had different thoughts towards that as she for some really weird reason was against the both of us being together.

"Why you've never even met him Eleanor Grainger!" I shouted through the phone to Ellie calling her by her full name of course.

"Urgh Jessica Reasse don't call me by my full name I hate it just as much as I hate your lover Perri" she shouted back at me through the phone.

"I really don't understand your hate towards it but I'm sick and tired of it come back when you've dealt with the fact that you can't do shit about this and by the way you called me by my full name so I should have the honours to do the same okay thank you goodbye" I shouted once again hanging up on her before she managed to say anything else.

After I put the phone down rather forcefully I walked into the kitchen to grab a yogurt to calm down the hunger. It was 11:30am and I had plans with perri for 13:30am however the doorbell rang and if it's Perri then he's just slightly too early just slightly. I strolled towards the door to reveal Kane, Kane Hardy. My ex.

"Err Kane ho-how are you? I-i thought you moved to Vancouver right? I mean why are you here, oh god don't take it the wrong way I just how do you know where I live?" I said struggling to get each word out.

"I'm fine thank you Jessica so are you going to let me in or am I just going to stand out here hah" he replied laughing. I moved to the side motioning my hand for him to come in.

"So to reply to your questions" he said sitting down on my couch making himself comfy. "I'm back in Essex as you can tell of course and I had spoke to Eleanor and asked where you lived as I was very curious to see you again! It's been three years jesus you have changed a lot Jessica in good ways only of course" he said staring at me very deeply as if reading me. I looked at him taking into account how much he's changed and how much more good looking he is. His dark hair styled very nicely, his dark tan and dark brown eyes. He's also gotten a lot taller Id say atleast 6'1 me on the other hand only 5'5. he's always had a habit of calling everyone by their full name never short as many times I or Ellie would've told him its 'Jess' or 'it's fucking Ellie you piece of horse shit.' After I had took into account all his looks I had thought about what he finally said ellie gave him my house number oh what a surprise for it to had been her.

"Yeah it has indeed been a while Kane haha three years, how's living in Vancouver and everything what brings you back to England?" I asked eagerly.

"Ah Vancouver is lovely! I'm back down in England though I don't think anything really made me come back it was more of a choice of mine, but that's enough of me how have you been? did you miss me?" he said smirking at his last sentence but letting out a little laugh.

"I've been good thank you! of course I missed you it's been three years though I never thought you'd come back it's nice to catch up however I do indeed have plans for today already so why don't you give me your number and we can make some plans for another time when I'll have more time?" I asked checking my phone to realise I had only got an hour left till perri comes and I really did not want him to walk in on me 'catching up' with me ex. However it won't hurt him to not know about this piece of information.

"Ah already eager to see me again I see" im guessing his cockiness still hasn't left him then.

"Of course" I said rolling my eyes.

"How about I take you out tomorrow? What do you say!" he says his eyes widening with hope.

"Erm I guess so" I say not too sure about this but agreeing anyway.

"Amazing! I'll see you tomorrow 7pm yes?" he says.

"Of course!" I reply with a warm smile.

We then swap phones and put eachothers numbers in. I walked Kane up to the door and waved him off before he left I walked up to the window to see him walking out of the apartment and walking straight past Perri both giving eachother a smile and Perri walking my way and Kane walking the opposite away none of them knowing a very important piece of information.


ooooo, here comes trouble a lot of trouble!!! lol okay so I like last time updated twice in a row how much of an amazing person i am lmao joke. but anyway I know my chapters are fairly erm short but I'm sort of typing this on my phone so too me it seems a lot and my fingers start to hurt after a while you know but yeah once I get my laptop the chapters I promise will be a lot longer okay thank you see you all soon adios amigos my loves!!!

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