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I woke up with a sick feeling at the top of my throat which caused me to jump out of the bed yet I didn't know where I was so I had pretty much no clue as to where the bathroom was and I really did not want to end up being sick in who's ever house I was in. I looked around the room to find Perri sleeping on the floor. I didn't even want to find out how I got here for now. However what I was worrying about was how dizzy and sick I was feeling so I quickly ran out opened each door till I succeeded in finding the bathroom and the next thing you know I'm being sick in the toilet.

I was being sick for quite some time. Until there was no longer nothing in my stomach left for me to be sick with. I slid down the side of the bathroom wall feeling fairly dizzy and not wanting to get up and end up falling down or worse case scenario passing out.

It was very weird this and how I was feeling because of the amount of times I normally go out it has never been this bad and I have never ended up in anyone else's house minus my own.

Then there was a knock at the door but I barely had the energy to move and I literally felt like I had been punched in the stomach multiple times. I mean normally the morning after Id be lightly sick and very dizzy but that's normal for a hangover this was very weird.

I had managed to whisper a quiet "come in" which im surprised he even heard but Perri had came in and crouched down next to me.

"So how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Honestly? like absolute shit, like what even happened last night? and how did you even manage to get me here because this is the first time I have ended up in someone else's house" I asked all panicked.

"A bit too many questions there all at once Jess" he said slightly laughing before carrying on "I got invited to Brooke's party but I was running a bit late anyway, once I had got there Jord and Sam had ditched me and I didn't really feel like drinking so I was going to go back home but then when I walked out you was there passed out near the wall so I wasn't going to leave you there, jesus what kind of person would leave you passed out there?" he said finishing.

I stared at him for a while trying to take in everything he's saying as my headache was really not helping in anything. "that's so weird I've never passed out at a party"

"Well you did at this one"

"I can sort of tell, so obviously something must of happened I really don't know but anyway thank you!" I said, he gave me a small smile and nodded before getting up and taking his hand out to help me up which I gladly took and got up.

Even though the banging headache was still there and the sickness feeling was still at the pit of my stomach, I tried my best to not focus on any of that and try to remember any events from last night but nothing was coming through and my brain was totally washed out from last night.

The fact that Perri took me back to his after finding me passed out and not trying anything stupid and even making himself sleep on the floor really made me realise that their are good people in this world and I'm happy that I managed to befriend someone like that.

Afterwards we made our way to his living room and settled onto the couch he had passed me a glass of water followed by some pain killers and we just snuggled on the couch for the rest of the day.

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