Sitting beside her, Joe rubbed her leg. "Nervous?"


His hand left her leg to curl around her waist. "Liar," he whispered and kissed her forehead. "You're gonna be fine, baby girl." He could tell that she didn't agree and chalked it up to nerves. He would keep trying to encourage her though.

As the door to the OB-GYN's office swung open, Sasha glanced up and swallowed hard. Normally she was happy to see Dr. Mona Sawyer, whom she and Joe had been visiting over the last two months, and it had got to a point where the mother of two could now call her a friend. But right now every other sentiment she owned was replaced by stone cold fear.

Greeting them both with a smile and a warm hug, Dr. Sawyer took a seat opposite the couple. "So how are you two feeling? Good?"

"I'm good. She's terrified," Joe joked, and Sasha nudged his shoulder for his troubles.

Dr. Sawyer smiled at them and then cleared her throat. "Okay, I'm gonna cut to the chase and give you the answers you're here for." She took the long brown file she'd carried into the office with her and drew out an X-ray photo, pinning it onto the board in the office. The couple watched her every move.

"So Sasha, this is the X-ray of your cervical area you had a month ago. I retrieved from your medical history that you had emergency cervical surgery immediately after you gave birth to your daughter nine years ago, due to excessive bleeding following her delivery. The surgery caused significant scarring or damage to your cervix, which is the neck of your uterus over here..." Mona pointed at a spot on the X-ray, "And this happens to be one of the major causes of infertility among women. However, your tests have shown that your cervix is now fully healed, and that should allow you to have a full-term pregnancy without any life-threatening complications. Joe's tests also showed no traces of infertility. In other words, I see no reason you can't and shouldn't get pregnant if you want to."

Stunned, Joe and Sasha stared at each other. Several seconds ticked by as each of them digested the news. Sasha looked at Mona in bewilderment, her vision blurred by the tears in her eyes. She could get pregnant? Her problems were gone? Was this really happening? She legitimately had no words to express what she was feeling within her.

Joe was first to speak, a big smile spreading across his handsome face. "Wow...That's great news, Doctor," he said.

Mona's smile was as big as Joe's. "I figured it would be."

Sasha didn't let go of Joe's hand...its large warmth enclosed around hers was the only proof that this moment wasn't a dream. "So...what now?" she stammered.

"Well, in cases like these we usually advise expectant management, which means you can continue to try to conceive by having regular unprotected sex. How often do you two try these days? Any changes?" Dr. Sawyer asked, writing on Sasha's chart.

Sasha looked over at Joe's reddened cheeks. She couldn't stop grinning as she spoke. "Um...not really. We still try very often. He's gone for weeks, maybe more at a time thanks to his job, and I miss him so much, so things get a little heated when he comes home." She trailed off before she could ramble on and on.

"Yeah. Basically, our sex life is still very healthy," Joe filled in for her, as Dr. Sawyer's smile widened. He leaned over to kiss Sasha's temple, squeezing her fingers as his brain continued to process this fantastic news.

After one last brief exam on the two of them, Dr. Sawyer spoke to them both. "Well, you're both still physically healthy. Neither of you is under nor overweight, and I'm well aware that Joe's line of work requires frequent and rigorous exercise and workouts that I do not medically rule as dangerous. I will order an inter-vaginal sonogram for you Sasha, just to be safe. That's the final test I'll need from you."

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