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Opening his front door, Joe was greeted with a bouncing Mia, her smile as big as her afro.

"Hi Joe!"

"Hey little lady," he said cheerfully, "Where have you been? Mama's been hiding you away, huh?"

Sasha laughed at the statement as T.K. gave Joe a quick fist bump before sweeping into the living room and making a beeline for the home entertainment system. It was the weekend and the kids insisted on coming to visit, their first since Joe's injury. She watched with raised eyebrows as her daughter and her boyfriend did this little handshake thing, complete with sound effects, that she'd never seen before. "When the hell did you come up with that?"

"A long time ago, Mama," Mia beamed. "It's top secret."

"Yeah, for club members only. And you're not allowed in our little club," Joe winked.

"Oh, I'ma club you right now," Sasha took a playful swing at him, laughing when he ducked and retreated into the kitchen. "Where's your mama at?" she asked, following him. "You said she took you to your appointment."

"She went grocery shopping. She should be back soon. Can't wait to eat white rice again," Joe grinned as he shoved a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

"Oh snap! You got the new Call of Duty, Joe?" T.K. called excitedly from the living room. "It's not supposed to be out until next week!"

"Main roster perks, my man," replied Joe.

"Oh man! Come on. Let's play."

"You sure you can take on me? 'Cuz I'm gonna kick your butt," Joe gloated.

"Yeah right," T.K. scoffed. "Bring it!"

"Be there in five. Prepare to beg for mercy," the Samoan continued to talk smack, smiling at Sasha shaking her head and muttering 'boys'.

"When Mom comes back are you gonna take off again?" Joe gave Sasha a pointed look, rolling his eyes when her expression became uncomfortable. "And they call me the baby."

Sasha withdrew a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and retrieved two glass cups. She looked for her daughter, the little girl circling the pool table in the corner of the room. "Mia! Come take this for you and your brother." She'd asked about Patricia only out of obligation. Joe's recovery process had caused the two women's paths to cross again, and though they were civil, they said very little to each other as their unpleasant confrontation in Pensacola still hung over both their heads. If either wanted to apologize, neither seemed to want to take the first step.

Joe leaned against the counter, his muscular arms crossed. "You two are going to have to clear the air soon, y'know. This walking on eggshells thing ain't cuttin' it."

"We'll figure it out," said Sasha, her tone uncertain, however, "We women have our way of handling things."

"If you mean being completely awkward around each other, then yeah, definitely 'your way of handling things'," Joe quipped, tipping the popcorn into a glass bowl before going to the living room to join T.K. The two boys played video games in the living room while Mia watched from the sofa behind them.

The front door opened, and Patricia shuffled into the house armed with big bags. "Leati, where are you? I need some help with..." She stopped short at the sight of the new faces in the living room. "Oh. I didn't know you had guests."

Joe smiled and approached his mother. "Hey Mom. Any more stuff in the car?"

"A few. If you could fetch them I'd appreciate it," she said. As Joe went outside, T.K. came over. "Let me help you with those, ma'am," he offered, retrieving the bags from her.

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now