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"For God's sake, Pamela, quit looking at me like that."

Turning away from the petite woman sitting at the kitchen table, Sasha rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. Since narrating the events of last night to Pam, she'd been staring her down with that annoying stank face of hers. It was alright when she directed that face at others, but not her. It made her want to slap her face back into place. Pam did it all the time, and Sasha remembered in high school when she'd done it once, during an argument between them that got violent. This time, she kept her cool and focused on preparing Mia and T.K.'s school lunches while Pam burned a hole through her.

"So let me get this straight." Pam began to count off her fingers. "Dinner was great. Joe was great, all by your own admission. He brings you home without incident, then he wants to kiss you goodnight and you shoot him down? How the fuck else do you want me to look at you? Because you've obviously lost your fuckin' mind."

"Mia is in the next room, watch your damn mouth." Speaking of, what was taking her so long? "Mia, baby? Hurry up! Aunt Pam is waiting!" Pam was here to pick Mia up and take her to school since the gym she worked at was close to Mia's elementary school. Pam did Mia's school run virtually every day, and it was another favor from her that Sasha would always be grateful for.

"What exactly was wrong with a goodnight kiss, Sash?" the petite woman demanded, "I thought you were attracted to him." She watched her nod her head. "And obviously he finds you attractive, he wouldn't have asked to see you again if he didn't. So what's the problem?"

"I don't know," Sasha defended herself, "What do you want me to tell you? That I got scared and chickened out? Fine. I got scared. I chickened out. Happy?"

"Hell no I ain't happy. I came here for details about the hot steamy rabbit sex you had with that hunk last night, how you finally unleashed years of sexual frustration on his ass. Or at least tell me whether he's a good kisser or not. Something. Anything. But instead I come up empty-handed. Either that or you're hiding what really happened from me. Not cool, Sasha. Not cool at all."

"I'm not hiding anything," Sasha grumbled.

"I know you, girl. I know your dumb ass spent every minute questioning his every move last night," said Pam. "And so what if he has intentions? So do you. You have needs, babe. Immediate needs. Are you tryna tell me you're not sexually frustrated? How long has it been since you last fucked? Months? Years?"

Honestly, Sasha had stopped keeping track. She hadn't been in a serious relationship since Mia's birth. She no longer trusted men enough, so dates fizzled out before anything more could come out of it. She'd pretty much numbed herself off sex and everything that came with it. Which was why her instant attraction to Joe frightened her. If 'questioning his every move' meant spending the entire evening watching his hands and his tongue and wishing she could feel them on her body, then Pam was right. She wanted him, in more ways than one, and she just wasn't used to feeling that way. "It's not that simple," she attempted.

"Yes it is. Wanting Joe is perfectly normal. It doesn't suddenly make you a slut. Mia and T.K. won't love you any less. They don't even have to be brought into the picture yet."

Now she tells me. Sasha carefully placed the sandwiches in two separate brown paper bags and rolled them up. "I kinda already told him about them."

"You did? And he didn't freak out or nothin'?" A look of surprise crossed the shorter woman's features. "And you wanna run away from that? Now I know you crazy."

Sasha sighed. "Maybe I am crazy. Because I don't know what the heck I'm doing." She bit her lip, wishing she didn't feel as helpless and frustrated as she was feeling.

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz