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Song choice for this chapter: 'Vertigo' by Jason Derulo & Jordin Sparks. 

After a fantastic party, the couple returned to the beach house a little after midnight and went straight to bed. The next morning Joe went out to join his parents and siblings for an intimate post-celebration family breakfast. With all his constant traveling he didn't get to spend quality time with his family, and who was Sasha to deny him this precious time? Besides, she was perfectly content to sleep in and enjoy the serenity of her immaculate surroundings.

Matt dropped Joe back at the beach house and sent his regards to Sasha. Dumping the brown paper bag he returned with on the kitchen table, Joe wandered into the master bedroom. His girlfriend lay in the middle of the bed, asleep. She looked so peaceful and more relaxed than she'd been in weeks. The sight of her wearing his t-shirt was a welcome bonus.

Climbing into the bed behind her, he smoothed his hand over her hips and the fluid dip of her waist, tracing her curves. He pressed his muscular frame against her back, loving how his body always fit so perfectly against her voluptuous softness. He never could keep his hands off her, she was like a magnet that just drew him in. He kissed her shoulder, rubbing her arm as he stared at her, wondering, quite sappily, if she was dreaming about him.

Moments later, Sasha stirred and laid tired irises on his grey ones. "Hey, you're back," she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. "How did breakfast go?"

"Great. It's been a long time since the six of us all sat together and just chilled and hung out," he replied with a smile. The happiness in his voice brought a smile to the mother of two's face.

He slipped his hand under her shirt to caress her bare stomach, and smiled at the tiny moan that left her lips. "I brought breakfast back for you. Wanna eat first before hitting the beach or after? I don't mind going for a swim."

"After." Sasha blew out a breath. "Prior to Miami I hadn't worn a bikini in years. And you know I'm not a very good swimmer," she said. Several times he'd tried to get her into his pool at home without success. But that water was static. The ocean was much more volatile and dangerous.

"I'll hold you. And there's no one around so you're wearing the bikini for my eyes only. Now get up." He patted her hip and got back up to change into a pair of board shorts.

"Gimme a minute," she said. She yawned and stretched but didn't move an inch after that.

Pulling his long hair into a bun on top of his head, Joe raised his leg and pushed her with his foot. "Hey, don't fall back asleep on me now, I'm waitin' for you," he warned before leaving the room. Rolling her eyes at him, Sasha dragged herself up and searched for her bikini. She got changed and stepped out, tying her hair high up on her head as she walked across the sand towards the water. She smiled at the sight of Joe chest deep in the water, wading around aimlessly. "Hey!"

He turned around, breaking into a wide grin. "Wow babe," he called out to her. "Red is definitely your color."

Reaching the shore, she took a few tentative steps into the water, walking until she was about knee deep before freezing up. "Baby..." Her eyes darted around nervously, looking slightly panicked as the tide pulled at her and threatened her balance.

Joe waded over. "Come on. Wrap your legs around me." He pulled her to him, and she quickly locked her legs around his waist and her arms tightly around his shoulders. His arms wound under her butt and he walked a few feet deeper into the water until they were at chest level. "I got you," he assured her.

Sasha wanted to feel embarrassed about her inability to swim, but she'd never had the chance or the means to learn. Her kids could. She made damn sure that they learned. She remembered when T.K. was seven years old and his friends' parents were signing them up for swimming lessons every weekend. He'd wanted to join so badly, and though she was broke back then she ensured he registered as well so he wouldn't feel left out. It was important to her that they got the opportunities and chances she never really had. She glanced around the vicinity, enamored by its beautiful, tranquil scenery. This was the closest thing to a tropical paradise she would ever see. "You struck gold with this place, handsome. It's so beautiful."

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