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All the time. That's how often Sasha thought about that night. That phone call. Even now, two days later, as she sat on the bench across from her daughter's school, her legs crossed tighter than normal as she daydreamed about it. If phone sex was meant to alleviate her very lengthy dry spell, it hadn't quite succeeded. Because it only made her want the real thing even more.

She'd gone a very long time without intercourse. It wasn't because she was a prude – it was mainly because she was preoccupied with trying to keep her life and her kids' lives in order. And considering that not one of the men she'd met during that period was worthy enough to get into her pants, it was a foregone conclusion that she would be relegated to the occasional, albeit mediocre, bout of self-service possibly for the rest of her life.

But if last night was a preview of what she could have, she would be fucking crazy to turn it away. There was absolutely nothing mediocre about it.

Her teeth tugged her bottom lip as Joe's deep, throaty voice played over and over in her mind. She recalled how wet she became, her fingers slick with her own juices as she touched herself; how she had quaked and melted at his every word. She visualized his skin meeting hers, imagined his dick, long and hard, deep inside her, as though he'd been right there in the room with her. Giving in to him had been so easy. There was no way the skills of seduction he possessed had been acquired overnight. He'd told her about his days as a star athlete in college, the attention he received from the opposite sex, and now, thanks to his stardom in the WWE, he was used to having the ladies in the palm of his hand. Clearly he was experienced with the ways of a woman, and that made him dangerous. But it was the kind of danger her inner vixen – now wide awake after nearly a decade of slumber – was very, very eager to encounter.

The school bell rang shrilly, signaling the end of another day, and the kids began to file out of the building. She caught sight of a car pulling up nearby, and her heart sank when she recognized the vehicle as that of her ex, Tyson. His daughter attended kindergarten a flew blocks away from Mia's school. Sasha turned away as a woman emerged from the car, hoping she couldn't be seen. This was the reason she preferred Pam picking up Mia. Other than the fact that Pam's gym was closer to the school, Sasha could also avoid getting caught in the hurricane that was Desiree Bridges.

But after five plus years of dealing with her, she knew that wasn't going to happen.

For such an attractive woman, Tyson's wife had an ugly, bitchy, polarizing attitude. Barely into her mid-twenties, she was tall and skinny, with nicely shaped eyes and a dark complexion similar to Sasha's. But that was where the appeal ended. T.K. wasn't kidding when he called her a psycho. Desiree was a confrontation magnet and went out of her way to antagonize people. And when she was in her element, her neck would start rolling, swishing around the offensively long, cheap weave she seemed to have a taste for, and the most obscene ghetto vitriol would spill out of her mouth. There was no real surprise there, in Sasha's mind, considering her background. She was the typical welfare broad; section eight, food stamps, the whole nine yards, the type of person that you could take out of the 'Hood but the 'Hood wasn't leaving them anytime soon. In the initial stages of her relationship with Tyson, Desiree went around town slandering the man's former partners, gloating about how none of them could keep him satisfied. And with Sasha being the closest in proximity, she was an easy target for Desiree. What the younger woman didn't know that Tyson was probably stepping out on her. Just like he had cheated on Sasha back then with the high school bicycle, Brenda. Heck, he had cheated on his last girl with Desiree. A leopard's spots never changed. He may be married, but Sasha knew damn well that it wouldn't be enough to keep him from playing away from home.

But Tyson's love life was no longer her concern. All she cared about was him doing the right thing by his son, but since he had recently reemphasized that he had no plans of doing so, she was back to keeping him at an arm's length. And that was fine by her.

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