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Sasha learned quickly that watching Joe live was a completely different spectacle from viewing YouTube videos. The unpredictability of live television made it a nerve-wracking experience, as she was more concerned for his safety than sitting back to enjoy the show. Her heart lurched when Sheamus – T.K. had filled her in on the names – tossed him against the steel steps at one point and then into the barricade at another, and was amazed when he still got up and managed to deliver a vicious spear to one of Sheamus' tag team partners, Ryback. The match was complete carnage, but the Shield emerged victorious. Near-nervous breakdown aside, she thought Joe, Jon and Colby did great. The crowd ate out of their hands, and Sasha understood why the three men were called the hottest thing in wrestling right now. Watching Smackdown was less worrying, since she learned it was taped on Tuesday but aired on Friday. At least when Joe called her on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, she was assured that he was still alive.

They talked every night, even after he had a match. She enjoyed talking with him and always looked forward to his I.D. popping up on her phone. She realized she was growing more comfortable with this thing happening between them, and whenever her insecurities nagged at her, one phone call from him made them go away, at least temporarily.

Lying in bed with a glass of red wine between her fingers and her phone pressed to her ear, she laughed at the sound of Colby making kissy noises on the other end of the line, followed by a couple of expletives from Joe and what sounded like a shoe making unfriendly contact with a door. "One of these days I'ma lock him in a hotel closet and leave him there. Drive to the next town by myself," the Samoan griped.

"You three seem to bicker a lot," Sasha observed.

"Naw, it's all good-natured," Joe explained. "We screw around with each other but it's all in good fun, most of the time."

"It's good to know Colby's okay. I still can't get over that fall he took last night." She shuddered as she recalled the sight of Colby landing on his head after taking what T.K. had called a suicide dive outside the ring. Apparently Colby had a penchant for hazardous maneuvers. "How do y'all not get seriously hurt?"

"We're used to it. But we don't really feel the aches and pains until we get backstage. We've been lucky so far injury-wise. When Jon and Colby were in the Independent scene they were maniacs. For them, bleeding was like breathing air." He paused. "I'm not helping, am I?"


"Sorry," he chuckled.

"It just looks so dangerous," said Sasha. "Even when I used to watch it when I was younger, that guy – Mankind, was it? It looked like he tryna get himself killed with all the stuff he was doing, it was so scary."

"So I guess you coming to the live show in Tampa is out of the question then?"

Sasha took a sip of wine. "Oh? When is it?"

"Next week, Friday night. It's not taped so there's fewer people and it's less formal. Mia and T.K. can come along if they want."

There was no doubt that T.K. would want to be there. They'd never been to a WWE event before and he probably would never speak to her again if he was unable to attend simply because she was fussing and fretting. "Okay. I'll talk to them," she said. "I'm sure they'd love to come."

"Cool. Just let me know what you decide and I'll handle the rest."

"Okay." Silence fell between the two of them for a minute. "You alright, handsome?" asked Sasha, "Tired? You must be."

"I'm good," Joe replied, pausing again. "Would I be too forward if I told you I miss you?"

Her smile was so wide that she had to bite her lip, twirling a strand of her hair in her finger. He misses me! "No. I miss you too. But I think I miss your pineapple juice chicken more," she joked.

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